Datacenter Forum 2024 boosts AI and sustainability

Data centers, sustainability and AI.

The upcoming Datacenter Forum in Copenhagen is fast approaching, where there will be a major focus on the interaction between innovation, AI and green energy solutions in the data centers of the future.

Among other things, the participants can expect proposals for how the data centers of the future can become flexible hubs for the green transition.

When Datacenter Forum Copenhagen 2024 opens its doors on September 26, with more than 300 participants – ranging from market leaders to political decision-makers and specialists within the data center sector – it will be ready for knowledge sharing and a day full of talks, insights and offers on the rapidly changing data center landscape .

The event, which saw the light of day in 2014, is the largest event for trade professionals in the Nordic countries, and Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy and Supply, Lars Aagaard, gives the opening speech at the conference.

Schneider Electricthe global energy efficiency specialist with world-leading expertise in data centers, is sponsoring the event and will also participate in today’s panel discussions, where they will present their latest cutting-edge technologies and perspectives on the future of data centers.

Data centers must be better integrated with the energy grid

The AI ​​revolution has led to an exponential increase in data consumption, making data centers some of the biggest power guzzlers in our society. To meet the growing demand for AI-driven solutions without relaxing climate ambitions requires a fundamental restructuring of how we build and operate data centers. And it must be discussed at this year’s Datacenter Forum.

Erik Gjesdal, Schneider Electric

Erik Gjesdal, Segment Manager and Data Center Manager in the Nordics and Baltics at Schneider Electric, represents the company on stage and in the panel discussions. Here, among other things, he will focus on how data centers must be better integrated with the energy grid and other green energy sources:

“It is absolutely essential that data centers become more energy efficient and better integrated with the rest of the energy system in the Nordics, which applies to both district heating and the overall electricity grid. I am also particularly looking forward to talking about the latest opportunities within, among other things, AI reference design and elaborating on how data centers can play a key role in the transition to greener energy,” says Erik Gjesdal, Schneider Electric.

In the spring, Schneider Electric presented a completely new AI reference design for data centers, developed in collaboration with NVIDIA, which has already proven to be ground-breaking for how AI data centers of the future can be constructed. The design optimizes both performance, scalability and, not least, energy efficiency. Here, the excess heat from data centers is also utilized in synergies with district heating, which reduces energy waste and contributes to the green transition.

Om Schneider Electric:

Schneider’s purpose is to make an impact and make a difference by giving everyone access to make the most of our energy and resources, and to bridge the gap between progress and sustainability for all. At Schneider Electric, we call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be a trusted partner in sustainability and energy efficiency.
