Datakit in the new version 2025.1

Tags: Datakit | Converters | QIF 3.0 | v2025.1 | data exchange

With over 30 years of experience, Datakit is constantly improving its offering and the performance and accuracy of its data exchange solutions for software vendors or industrial customers – 2D 3D B-Rep geometry, attributes, PMI, metadata, networks, etc. The new QIF (Quality Information framework) converter version 3.0 is now available. This converter is intended for anyone who needs to compare quality information with design data.

Po­mo­cí kon­ver­to­rů QIF do PDF, QIF do JT a QIF do STEP jsou k dis­po­zi­ci 3D geo­me­t­ric­ká data, to­le­ran­ce, roz­mě­ry PMI, se­sta­vy, atri­bu­ty a UUID (uni­ver­zál­ně je­di­neč­né iden­ti­fi­ká­to­ry).

Many other improvements have been made in this first version for 2025, including:

  • the ability to read UUIDs defined as NavisWorks GUIDs, which ensures better data traceability,
  • processing graphical or semantic PMIs to complement or improve the accuracy of converters that read Creo View, Catia V5, V6, UG NX formats and write JT,
  • optimized management of nurbs and node trees in Catia V5 and V6,
  • advanced reading of SolidWorks assemblies for configuration management, virtual or imported components,
  • detailed labeling of units and colors in Revit.

Continuous development of our converters ensures compatibility with recently updated CAD versions:

Reading mode:

3DExperience/CATIA V6 2025x
Fusion 360 do verze 2.0.20948
Navisworks version 2016-2025
Solid Edge 2025
SolidWorks 2025
Unigraphics NX series 2406 (up to version 2406.7000)

Write mode:

CATIA V5-6R2018 to V5-6R2024

With this release, Datakit makes it even easier to connect all stages of part or assembly production.

