Decorating with wicker baskets: here’s how to beautify your home!


When you choose to furnish a house with wicker basketsthe final effect of this element on the decoration always has a very defined flavour. These complements bring, in a very direct way, a natural touch to the material palette.

This touch can be used for heat up an environment too minimalalso characterized by finishes in cementor to reinforce all the styles that, on the contrary, aim to restore an environment heat e welcoming.

In particular, wicker baskets are an essential element in homes in this style. folk, rustic, ethnic o cottagecorebut also in interiors inspired by the Scandinavian world. The main advantage of the unmistakable sign of wicker furniture in the form of a basket is the possibility of imagining many arrangements, in addition to the functionalityalways useful, of the container.

Another opportunity from the choice of decorating the house with baskets is the wide choice of formats to adapt to every need, from the most little ones ideal in the bathroom for those extra large for theexternal of the plant.

The small House

The small House

What to do with wicker baskets

There are not only the dimensions among the options when choosing a wicker basket, there are also different variants which can be useful depending on the context in which they are placed. The simple choice of the classic pattern offers more versions clear it’s more dark of the used materialas well as the type of plot it can have, for example a progression diagonal rather than horizontal.

To these differences are added the versions COLORthose bleached and models that add other elements such as leather handles. Another variable is the type of structure which, in addition to circular and square shapes, can be soft o rigid.

All these variables must be chosen based on the position and to the function wicker baskets inside the house. Simply put, wicker baskets decorated they deserve to stay out of a Wardrobe, maybe even used as decoration for a wall.

As for the dimensions, it is right to find a harmony of proportions with the furniture near which they will be placed: a container that is too small risks looking out of place next to a big sofa.
