Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur did not reveal state secrets

According to the news editorial office ERRThe Finnish Security Police Department (KaPo) is investigating whether Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur (Reform Party) revealed state secrets in an interview with radio station Vikerraadio in September this year.

  • Minister of Defence Hanno Pevkur. Photo: Andras Kralla

According to unconfirmed information, a Defense Ministry employee has filed a complaint with the Estonian Internal Security Service in connection with Hanno Pevkur’s statements on September 2 on the Vikerraadio broadcast Välistund, in which the minister explained NATO’s defense plans, the news portal reported on Tuesday, September 24.

Pevkur himself stated that he knows that some kind of investigation is being conducted against him, but his conscience is clear: “I only know that in no interview have I revealed any “red” documents or state secrets. But as far as I know, yes, something is being investigated.”

“But I also know that the security department of the Ministry of Defense, which is directly responsible for this, has stated that there was no leak. For me, this is not a topic at all, and, of course, my conscience is clear. I continue to defend Estonia,” Pevkur said.

“Indeed, we received a notice of suspicion from the Ministry of Defence that Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur may have disclosed state secrets in a radio broadcast on the ERR channel. The department checked the information during the supervisory proceedings, and we can confirm that the Defence Minister did not disclose state secrets,” KAPO commented.
