Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture in Skopje

The delegation of the Republic of Serbia, led by the State Secretary Livija Pavićević from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, participated in the 18th meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development of Southeastern European countries in Skopje. Within this event, several bilateral meetings were held with various delegations, including Hungary, Germany, North Macedonia and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

With the Hungarian delegation, Pavićević expressed her gratitude for Hungary’s support in the UN General Assembly when voting against the adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica. They discussed the BIOEAST initiative, which aims to identify strategic priorities in the field of innovation and research in Central and Eastern Europe. Hungary invited Serbia to sign the joint declaration of this initiative, which would improve cooperation in research and innovation. Before making the final decision, the Ministry of Agriculture of Serbia plans to consult the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.

Also, the delegation of the Republic of Serbia met with the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany. The topic of discussion was the improvement of cooperation in the field of agriculture and food industry. They also referred to the recent meeting between Minister Martinović and German Ambassador Anka Konrad. The Serbian delegation received an invitation to attend the “Green Week” in Berlin in January 2024, where the meeting of the “Green Global Fund” will also be held. The Serbian delegation, in turn, sent an invitation to the German Minister of Food and Agriculture, Džemo Ozdemir, to visit Serbia.

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Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

How did the Serbian delegation perform its work in North Macedonia?

During the meeting with the delegation of North Macedonia, the Serbian delegation presented the initiative for the establishment of the Serbian Chamber of Agriculture. It was proposed that a similar model be applied in North Macedonia, which would enable producers from different fields of agriculture to communicate directly with the state and relevant ministries. The Macedonian delegation expressed satisfaction with the proposal and it was agreed that Serbia would support the establishment of their Chamber of Agriculture.

At the meeting with FAO representatives, they discussed improving cooperation in the field of food safety. The long-term partnership of the Ministry of Agriculture of Serbia with FAO was highlighted, which sees this organization as a key partner in the improvement of the agricultural sector. The priority in the coming period will be joint projects related to food safety.

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Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in North Macedonia, Nevena Jovanović, attended all bilateral meetings. On that occasion, she supported the delegation of Serbia in the implementation of these meetings.

Source: AgroTV
