Deputy Anton Gorelkin is worried that Android and Google may stop working in Russia (like YouTube)

State Duma Deputy Anton Gorelkin statedwho is worried about Android’s performance in Russia.

It’s all about Google’s caching servers in Russia, which need to be updated. The company can’t do this because it’s no longer officially present in Russia, and US sanctions prohibit it from working with Russian companies.

So sooner or later all this equipment will simply stop working. And here I am more worried not even about YouTube, but about the stability of the Android operating system, which also largely depends on these servers.

Anton Gorelkin, State Duma deputy

He says aging caching hardware is the reason YouTube is running slowly.

At the same time, on August 6, Gorelkin wrote that YouTube’s slowdown would not affect the operation of other Google and Android services in Russia.

YouTube slowdown due to degradation of caching equipment will not affect the stability of the Android mobile system and other Google services in Russia.

Anton Gorelkin, State Duma deputy

Gorelkin then claimed that “such a threat could theoretically arise only as a result of a forced blocking” of YouTube, but that such a scenario is not being considered.
