Destination X – Celebrities traveling in an opaque bus

Destination X – Celebrities traveling in an opaque bus
Image: Joyn/ProSieben

ProSieben lets eight fairly famous people tour Europe in a bus. At the end of each episode of the show, the celebrities have to guess where they are. To make it not too easy, the bus has opaque windows.

ProSieben is sending eight more or less famous people on a scavenger hunt across Europe in the autumn – Tina Ruland, Ekaterina Leonova and Andreas Elsholz are among those taking part. The broadcaster in Unterföhring announced this. In the new ProSieben show “Destination X”, the participants have to ask themselves the same question over and over again: Where am I? It is “an adventure full of little clues and deceptive images”. The challenge for the eight stars and starlets is: They have to determine their whereabouts as precisely as possible the whole time. They are travelling in an opaque bus. The participants have to follow every detail of their journey carefully, interpret clues correctly and, above all, not be deceived. Because some clues lead astray.

At the end of each episode, the stars have to secretly mark their X on the map of Europe where they think they are. Whoever is furthest from the actual location has to leave the bus – and at the same time, together with the TV audience, finds out where the “Destination X” bus is currently located. In addition to actress Ruland, dancer Leonova and TV star Elsholz, presenter Madita van Hülsen, influencer Leyla Lahouar, European gymnastics champion Philipp Boy, reality actor Max Bornmann and reality actress Hanna Sökeland are also taking part in the road trip. DIGITAL FERNSEHEN reported on the station’s further plans for the future.

Text: dpa/ Editor: JP
