Destroyed field before the biggest game

FK Partizan: Destroyed field before the biggest game

FK Partizan informs the public that during the previous night, the field at the stadium in Humska street, where the biggest game of Serbian football was scheduled to be played on Monday, was destroyed to a significant extent.

A group of organized criminals broke into the stadium area during the night and carried out a heinous spree of destruction of the field. Delinquents broke beer bottles and scattered a huge amount of glass all over the field.

In addition, the pitch, which is one of the most modern hybrid pitches, which FK Partizan built last year with the help of UEFA and FSS, was destroyed by pouring and burning oil derivatives on the entire surface of the pitch.

“We are outraged and demand an immediate reaction from all competent authorities, so that these criminals are identified as soon as possible and punitive measures are taken against them. Security camera footage, as well as information about the individual leaders of this organized group, have been made available to the competent authorities for inspection, and the competent authorities also have information about these persons, so we are confident that the perpetrators of this unprecedented act will be found and prosecuted very quickly. “If the competent authorities do not arrest these persons as soon as possible, FK Partizan will publicly announce the names and surnames of the persons who lead this group on Monday at 3 p.m.,” the announcement states.

“These are disgruntled members of a criminal group, who disguise themselves under the name of certain fan groups, and in the past they have already bragged about damaging the central box of the stadium, as well as writing messages against the administration in the stands and around the stadium every day.”

Huge material damage

We warned the competent institutions that this organized group would not stop at previous criminal acts, but would repeat them, and now we have received confirmation of this. This group of people, the press release points out, decided to take out their obvious frustrations on the property of the club they supposedly love, on the field where the players of the beloved club should run, play football and win for their team.

With this act, it is added, enormous material damage was caused to FK Partizan, not to mention damaging the reputation of the club and all its fans in the football world.

“The club’s professional services are working hard to rehabilitate the field, given that there are a little more than 24 hours left until the biggest match of Serbian football, where, among other things, a large number of foreigners will be present who will witness the shame of the group that destroyed the field of the beloved club. The condition of the field cannot be improved in this short period of time to the desired and fully ready for the game, but the competent service of FK Partizan will make superhuman efforts to bring the field to an acceptable condition for playing the game.”

FK Partizan invites all true fans to come to the game, to show their love for the club by supporting the coach and players in the most important game, according to the announcement of the black and white team.

Source: BIZLife

Photo: BIZLife, Beta
