Detailed weather forecast for today, it is known whether it will rain

WEATHER forecast for Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

Weather in Serbia

Mostly sunny in Serbia, occasionally with moderate cloudiness and warm, while at the end of the day it is expected to be cloudy with rain and thundershowers, locally more intense, which will affect the northern and western regions, and during the night towards the middle it will spread to most of Serbia.

Wind weak and moderate, northwesterly. The lowest temperature from 17 to 22, and the highest from 31 to 34 degrees Celsius.

Weather in Belgrade

Mostly sunny in Belgrade as well, occasionally moderately cloudy and warm. Wind weak, northwesterly. The lowest temperature around 22, and the highest around 33 degrees. At the end of the day and during the night towards the middle of the day it will be cloudy with rain and showers with thunder.

The weather for the next days

According to the weather forecast for the next seven days, from Wednesday to Friday it will be changeable, unstable and fresher with alternating sunny and cloudy intervals and showers with thunder, which will be locally more pronounced. Mostly sunny and warmer again for the weekend and on Monday.

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