Difficult times for the Mayor of Aegialia, Dimitris Kalogeropoulos

Difficult times for the Mayor of Aegialia, Dimitris Kalogeropoulos, who has recently been facing a serious health problem.

Mr. Kalogeropoulos was scheduled to travel abroad for special treatment, however, he suffered a severe hemorrhagic stroke, as a result of which he was intubated at the Rio hospital, where he is being treated, with his health condition considered extremely critical, according to the tempo24 website .news.

It is recalled that on Friday morning the Mayor of Aegialia announced that he will need to stay away from his duties for the next period of time.

Critical hours for the Mayor of Aegialia Dimitris Kalogeropoulos

As he had said:

“I would like to inform our fellow citizens that in the next period I will be absent, as necessary, from my duties to deal with a health problem that presented itself to me.

I am sure that my deputy and all my colleagues will fully respond to the issues of our Municipality.

I sincerely thank everyone for their wishes, interest and respect in these personal moments of mine”

Source: www.enikos.gr