Diseases that cause symptoms similar to heart failure

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Before anyone assumes that symptoms such as shortness of breath, exhaustion, edematous legs or reduced load capacity can only be caused by heart failure, be sure to take part in an examination, as many other diseases and conditions can also be associated with such complaints. Dr. Tamás Bőhm, cardiologist at the Cardiocenter, talked about the symptoms of diseases that may resemble the symptoms of heart failure.

The symptoms of these diseases are similar to those of heart failure

At first, heart failure only produces general symptoms such as exhaustion, cough, and reduced exercise capacity. However, even with these complaints, it is important to consult a doctor, because it is partly necessary to establish whether it is really heart failure, or perhaps something else, and partly, if a diagnosis of heart failure can be established, the process can be significantly slowed down with appropriate treatment and lifestyle. Among other things, heart failure must be distinguished from the following diseases.

Chronic kidney disease

Both diseases are associated with fluid retention, which can cause noticeable edema, especially in the feet and legs. At the same time, in the case of both, fluid can accumulate in the lungs, which leads to shortness of breath, and because of all this, exhaustion and weakness can be a symptom of kidney disease as well as heart failure.

Liver cirrhosis

One of the more advanced stages of liver disease is cirrhosis, which can also cause exhaustion and edema on the feet, legs, and ankles. In this case, the cause of shortness of breath may be that the fluid accumulates in the abdomen. It is often not easy to separate the two diseases based on the symptoms, in which case imaging diagnostics helps. The condition of the liver, for example, can be mapped very well with a painless liver structural examination.

Lung diseases

It is not uncommon for shortness of breath and difficulty breathing to suggest heart failure, but after thorough examinations, it turns out that, for example, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or interstitial lung disease is the underlying cause. The latter is the name of a large group of diseases that cause pneumonia or scarring. It is also possible that reflux is the starting point of difficulty breathing, as it can also lead to pneumonia.


The term anemia refers to the fact that there are not enough red blood cells in the body to supply the organs with an adequate amount of oxygen. That is why obvious symptoms can be exhaustion, weakness, and difficulty breathing. Anemic patients are characterized by the fact that they have no complaints at rest, but they appear immediately upon exercise. At the same time, it is easy to turn a blind eye to this condition, even though, if left untreated, it forces the heart to work hard for a long time, which can be a potential risk factor for heart failure and heart rhythm disorders.


Lymphedema, or lymphedema, is a condition that occurs when the lymphatic system is unable to function effectively and lymph fluid builds up in the tissues and causes visible, palpable edema.

Bulimia nervosa

This eating disorder, which involves eating a large amount of food and then getting rid of it (typically by vomiting), also causes electrolyte imbalance in the long term. This condition can weaken the muscles and cause certain heart rhythm disorders, which can lead to heart failure if left untreated. Such a mechanism can also operate in anorexia nervosa, which is an eating disorder associated with prolonged starvation.

Differential diagnosis is always necessary

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cough, edema, and reduced load capacity are symptoms that should definitely be investigated, as they can be caused by other diseases and conditions in addition to the above, he emphasizes. dr. Tamás Böhmcardiologist at the Cardiocentre.
  • – It can be a strong warning sign if shortness of breath occurs not only during exercise, but also at rest. In such situations, from a differential diagnostic point of view, a suspicion of cardiovascular disease also arises, which may necessitate a cardiology examination. This may include the interview, physical examination, ECG, up to 7-day Holter ECG, exercise ECG, arteriography, echocardiography and laboratory tests. If, based on the results, a diagnosis of heart failure can be established, targeted treatment can be started, and if a cardiac cause behind the complaints cannot be verified in this way, the patient can be referred to other specialist areas.

Source: Cardio center

Source: www.patikamagazin.hu