Disney Hacked, Furious Hackers Post Stolen Data On Hacker Forum

marry 17.07.2024, 13:00 PM

The hacktivist group claims to have hacked Disney’s IT systems and stolen more than 1.1 terabytes of data from internal Slack communication channels, including login credentials, code, images and information about unreleased projects.

The hacking group, which calls itself NullBulge, posted on a hacking forum that it had hoped to delay publishing the breach until it had more information, but according to the hackers, their “insider got scared and kicked them” off the network.

If the hackers are to be believed, the information was taken from nearly 10,000 Slack channels and includes project details as well as messages, files, passwords, social security numbers, login credentials and personal photos. Understandably, there is concern that stolen data could be used for further cyber attacks.

NullBulge is a little-known self-proclaimed “hacktivist group” that claims its motives are “protecting the rights of artists and ensuring fair compensation for their work.”

The group claimed responsibility for the leak, saying it gained access to company data through a Disney employee’s compromised computer. “Everything we could get our hands on, we downloaded and packed,” the group said on X, claiming to have obtained “1.1 terabytes of files and messages” from nearly 10,000 corporate Disney Slack channels. Disney has confirmed that it is investigating the claims.

Disney drew the attention of NullBulge because it has been criticized in the past for not paying royalties to authors for, among other things, Star Wars, The eighth passenger i Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Source: www.informacija.rs