Dissatisfaction of farmers and (in)solvability of the problem

Representatives of five agricultural associations of Serbia sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, as well as to the Government, expressing their disagreement with the amendment of the agreement signed in July 2024. This letter followed after the Association from Subotica, which was not a signatory to the agreement, began negotiations on changing its demands.

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Izvor: The Guardian

The agreement was signed by the associations “Stig” from Požarevac, Složni pidikanci from Bavnište, farmers of Brestovački from Banatski Brestovac, Association of Milk Producers of Šumadije and Pomoravlja “Adrani”, as well as the association Severni Banat from Kikinda. He foresees the announcement of a public call during October for the payment of 17,000 dinars per hectare for certified seeds. According to the agreement, an invitation to register plots in the e-agrar system on “another basis” is foreseen. Also, the agreement includes the payment of 100,000 dinars for raising domestic heifers, the reduction of import quotas for milk and milk products, the lifting of the ban on the export of refined and unrefined oil, as well as the regulation of the commodity exchange. In addition to this, the associations requested the participation of their representatives in the development of the agricultural development strategy.

The hardships of farmers are growing – new protests are imminent

The Association of Farmers from Subotica presented several demands. Among them, the moratorium on loan repayment under the conditions from the time of the corona pandemic stands out. Attention was also drawn to the abolition of the excise tax on fuel in full and the payment of 17,000 dinars per hectare for certified seeds for all agricultural producers, without the obligation to prove the purchase. This request is especially emphasized during the preface. Finally, it should be taken into account that last year’s sowing began before an agreement was reached with the then Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Four days ago, members of this association protested by blocking the Ipsilon branch of the highway near Subotica. This action resulted in the intervention of the Security and Information Agency (BIA), which detained several members for an informational interview. After this incident, the protest was stopped and negotiations began.

During the negotiations at the Ministry of Agriculture, the representatives of the Association from Subotica requested that their demands be met. However, instead of the requested 17,000 dinars per hectare, they were offered only 10,000 dinars. Regarding the other requests, no agreement has yet been reached. This situation indicates tensions between farmers and competent institutions, and the need for more effective solutions that will meet the needs of producers.

Source: New Economy

Source: boljazemlja.com