Do you have a problem with cellulite? In addition to inappropriate eating habits, tight underwear or walking in high heels can also be to blame

Unsightly orange skin afflicts a large number of women throughout their lives. Cellulite is primarily determined by the anatomy of the female body and is caused by an imbalanced level of hormones and an excess of estrogen. However, a number of other factors also play a large role in the formation of dimples in the skin.

Why do women suffer from cellulite in particular?

Men hardly suffer from orange peel because they have a different arrangement of subcutaneous fibrous fibers than women, and at the same time their organism is not flooded with the female hormone estrogen. Women also have up to twice the amount of fat cells compared to men, and their skin is more flexible and stretchy due to pregnancy. Even the distribution of fiber fibers is not the same, in women it allows irregular filling of fat lobes. This creates fat clusters that are pushed to the surface of the skin. But cellulite is far from being the domain of overweight women only, it also occurs in slim and young women.

Heredity is to blame, but also inappropriate nutrition

Cellulite does not only occur in older overweight women, but also very young and slim women suffer from it. The causes are often heredity, sedentary work and lack of movement or standing in one place for a long time.

Improper eating habits or weight fluctuations due to dietary mistakes are also a problem. The diet should be rich in antioxidants that protect the walls of blood vessels. An insufficient or inappropriate drinking regime also has its share. Fizzy drinks, alcohol and excessive drinking of coffee are considered unsuitable drinks. On the contrary, herbal teas and still waters are recommended.

High heels and tight underwear

Orange skin also occurs as a result of frequent walking on high heels, which cause the calf muscles to shorten. It is also inappropriate to sit with your legs crossed over each other, which can lead to the appearance of varicose veins or spider veins.

Also, tight underwear, or the popular tight-fitting underwear, prevents sufficient blood circulation and the natural flow of lymph in the body, which helps remove excess water and other excess or harmful substances from the body. Therefore, when choosing underwear, pay attention to your body proportions and the appropriate size of each piece .

Tight underwear can exceptionally cause signs of cellulite in men as well, it appears most often in the abdomen, hips or buttocks. Too much tightening of the belt or food containing hormones can also be to blame.
