Do you know what the European Week of Opportunities is? It is important for anyone who has an IDEA

Do you know what the European Week of Opportunities is? It is important for anyone who has an IDEA

This year, the second “European Week of Opportunities” will be held under the slogan “You can too”, and the main goal of this event, which lasts a total of five days, is to inform citizens and the economy about the current funds of the European Union in the field of business and innovation. , culture, media, education, youth and sports, but also local development, green transition and territorial cooperation.

The European Week of Opportunities is a week in which more than 100 information sessions and panels will be held from September 23 to 27 in Belgrade and Nis, where the interested public will be able to find out how to apply for programs, projects and funds of the European Union, directly without representatives of current programs and projects. This event is jointly organized by the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia and the Government of Serbia.

Those who will not be able to attend the live event, they will be able to follow him online on the platform.

Sam program This year, the European Week of Opportunities is diverse and thematically divided into days.

The first day

On the first daythat is, on September 23, the topic is business and innovation. On that day, numerous support programs available to the private sector and researchers will be presented in Belgrade, which can help in the commercialization of innovations, the development of sustainable projects and networking on the European market.

Innovation co-financing projects, support mechanisms for startups in the early stages of development, as well as credit lines to strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises will be presented.

How to get EU funds? European Week of Opportunities – you can too!

So those who will attend live events during this and the following days, will be able to make direct contact with representatives of the program, but also meet people who managed to secure funds through the EU and implement their projects.

Each program of the European Union that provides support for projects has special conditions for applying and allocating funds. First of all, it is necessary to define the sector to which the project belongs, and then to select the programs that provide support in that area.

Some of the programs also provide free training for the preparation of project applicationsand if this type of support is not foreseen in the program that publishes a public call, grant, competition or loan, those who are interested can always find certified lecturers for the preparation of project applications on the Internet.

Second day

Second day of European SundaySeptember 24, will be dedicated to culture and creative industry. This day will also be organized in Belgrade, in the European House.

During this day, the largest program of the European Union “Creative Europe” covering these areas will be presented, and those who have plans in this area and work to promote cultural diversity, international cooperation or work in the field of audiovisual arts, will find out how to get support for projects.

European house

The third day

The civil sector and the media are the focus of the third day of the European Week of Opportunities.

Representatives of civil society organizations and informal groups will have the opportunity to learn about the EU’s largest program to support international networking of the civil sector, “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values”, as well as programs that support local initiatives throughout Serbia, such as the EU Resource Center for Civil Society .

In addition, programs that support regional cooperation, youth and cultural projects, as well as public administration reform will be presented.

Programs aimed at media professionals will also be presented – through discussions on current media laws, media travel opportunities across Europe, as well as programs that support quality journalism and media innovation in the region.

The fourth day

On the fourth dayon September 26, the focus will be on youth, education and sports, so young people who study, work at school or university or are part of a youth or sports organization will be introduced to numerous opportunities for teachers and students, such as exchange programs , cooperation projects and scholarships.

The scholarships concern the Erasmus+ program, and universities from Germany, Austria, Hungary, France and Slovenia will present their scholarships and study opportunities. The organizers of the event invite young people to take advantage of the opportunity to find out how they can study at prestigious European universities or participate in short-term and long-term exchanges with the support of the EU.

For those who have recently completed their studies and are looking for employment or additional training, at the event they will be able to learn more about the opportunities offered by the Youth Guarantee program, which offers support in finding a job and professional development.

Since the theme of this day is sports, special attention will be paid to sports, with the aim of providing sports organizations with information about the possibilities for the development of sports and the financing of sports projects.

Box and

The fifth day of European Sundaywill be held in Nis and will discuss local development, green transition and territorial cooperation.

During this day, key European programs and initiatives for cross-border cooperation and sustainable development will be presented, with a focus on new programs within Interreg cooperation that connect people across Europe in search of innovative and sustainable solutions to regional development challenges.

There will also be an opportunity for those interested to get acquainted with initiatives that support the green transformation of the economy, as well as with available credit lines for the ecological improvement of households.

Special focus will be on programs that provide support to local governments in the development of democracy and inclusion at the local level.

All interested visitors will have the opportunity to make direct contact with representatives of the program, but also to meet people who managed to secure funds and realize their projects.

They will be able to do this in the period from 12 to 3 p.m on speed dating in the hall European housesduring all days of this event.

Registration for events is simple and freeon the EU opportunities portal, but the number of places for physical presence is limited, so it is registration is mandatory.

Complete program it is on the link.

During the European Week of Opportunities, new podcast episodes will be recorded, which will present new interesting topics and interlocutors. The broadcast of these stories is planned in October.

It’s European Week of Opportunities organized for the first time in 2023 as a unique type of event in the region, where more than 100 European programs were presented for the first time, in cooperation with over 50 partners.

The event, which lasted six days, was physically visited by 2,000 people, and the program was followed online by 3,500 visitors.

Source: BIZLife

Photo: Freepik
