Do you need to fit winter tires from October? The answer is in the Highway Code

From October, all cars should be equipped with winter tires, no matter what type of road they will be driving on? There are many drivers who don’t know if this is a myth or true. However, the Highway Code comes with the answer to this dilemma.

Before asking when to replace summer tires with winter tires, we should consider what grip we want the tires with which the car is equipped to have.

We also have to take into account the weather forecast for the next period. Specifically, the precipitation and temperatures that are expected.

The difference between summer and winter tires

Tires are one of the most important safety features. They ensure contact between the vehicle and the road.

Summer tires are made of a harder rubber that softens at high temperatures. Thus, it provides increased grip when the asphalt is hot. It also retains its properties when the road temperature exceeds 50-60 degrees Celsius.

Conversely, when the weather cools down, these summer tires become increasingly stiff. Thus, the lower the temperature, the more the adhesion decreases.

On the other hand, winter tires are optimal for the cold season, especially when the road is covered with snow, ice or ice. They are made of a softer rubber that retains its elasticity at low temperatures.

Myth or truth: Do you have to fit winter tires from October?

Romanian legislation does not set an exact date when you must fit winter tires. It is true that, until 2011, the traffic law established that drivers are obliged to drive with winter tires between November 1 and March 30.

However, this provision has been modified, and drivers are no longer obliged to replace tires at the change of season.

So, whether it’s summer or winter, drivers can use whatever types of tires they want. With one condition: the road must not be covered with ice, snow or snow.

When should winter tires be fitted?

It constitutes a misdemeanor and is sanctioned with the fine provided for in class IV of sanctions (…) driving the vehicle on public roads covered with snow, ice or ice, without it being equipped with winter tires”, it is specified in Art. 102, paragraph 6.1, of law 195/2002.

The same fine applies to drivers who drive with used tires. In addition, the authorities order in these situations the retention of the vehicle registration, without the right to drive.

Therefore, winter tires must be fitted when you are going to drive on a road covered with snow, ice or slush. Regardless of the season.

In addition, it is recommended that these winter tires be used from the moment when outside temperatures drop below 6-7 degrees Celsius.
