In the past, car manufacturers recommended that drivers drive at low speed for the first 500-1,000 kilometers without revving the engine too hard. But now, do you still need to break in a new car?
The first 500-1,000 kilometers were crucial in the past for a new car. Car manufacturers recommended that drivers drive very carefully during this time, so that the car does its proper break-in.
But, over time, this break-in imposed on drivers was abandoned.
Do you still need to break in a new car?
On motorcycles, for example, after 800-1,000 kilometers, the break-in oil is changed. Which means that the oil used in this first period is thrown out because it contains fine metal debris, resulting from the first start-up of the engine.
„Most car manufacturers no longer recommend or require this break-in service. The engines come pre-run. That is, the engine is put on a test bench and works, theoretically, for a few hours. It comes off the stand, the oil is changed, another filter, and that engine goes on your car after it has been pre-run“, explain the people from
So, even if a new car will have 0 kilometers on board, in reality the engine has been run-in. Only it didn’t go on the road, but worked empty, on a test bench.
That’s why there’s no need to break-in a new car.
Why are new cars no longer run-in?
Car manufacturers decided to do their own car break-in in the regime for two reasons. First of all, that of ensuring a reliable product to the customer, but secondly, for the protection of the environment.
„Changing the oil in millions of cars every 1,000 kilometers is quite a large oil spill. Which is toxic and must be collected” say those from
Of course, oil is also used when running in the car. But once used, it is stored in special containers and the risk of reaching water or soil is much lower.
When should the first oil change be done in a new car?
Although car manufacturers no longer ask for a break-in, experts are of the opinion that it does not hurt to change the engine oil more quickly. Even if not at 1,000 kilometers, as was done before, but at several thousand kilometers.
„From my point of view, when the car has zero kilometers, it still needs a break-in. That is, go slower, don’t turn her in the fur and give her a kick down, change her oil faster, don’t subject her to heavy loads. I am of the opinion that a lot of attention is still needed until the first revision“, say the specialists.
So, if you want the engine to last at least 10 years, you should change the oil after the first 3,000-5,000 kilometers.
„I would recommend this to everyone, don’t skimp on a break-in review. Or at least revise earlier. You only need to change the oil and the oil filter, that’s all“, said those from