Doctor Demina listed signs of possible diabetes in children – Teller Report Teller Report

The head of the endocrinology department of the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital of Pirogov University, Elena Demina, told us what signs can be used to determine diabetes in children.



“Diabetes is always manifested by elevated blood sugar, or, in scientific terms, chronic hyperglycemia. Plus, with diabetes, all metabolic processes are disrupted,” she said in an interview with

According to her, it is important to make a diagnosis as early as possible in order to begin the most competent treatment and delay or avoid complications.

One of the signs is an increased appetite in a child. It is also worth paying attention if the child begins to drink more.

Another symptom is that the child is losing weight and is constantly tired, despite a large appetite.

Previously, dentist, founder of the international brand Revyline Maxim Obushenkov in a conversation with the publication “News of the Moscow Region” gave recommendations on choosing products for the holiday table.

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