Doctors are sounding the alarm: popular Dubai chocolate turned out to be extremely dangerous

The harm of sweets lies in its excess calorie content.

Russians were told about the dangers of the rapidly gaining popularity of Dubai chocolate, which contains huge amounts of fat and sugar.

Endocrinologist Veronica Savenko warned that fashionable sweets can provoke cardiovascular diseases. According to her, eating a bar of Dubai chocolate can cause “a huge spike in sugar, a huge spike in insulin and massive tissue damage.”

“A high content of fat and sugar forms so-called glycation products, which damage the cells of our body,” she explained in an interview with “Moscow 24» Savenko.

Due to the excess calorie content of the ingredients – chocolate, nuts, pistachio paste and kataifi dough – constantly eating the product can result in excess weight.

“With excess weight, we have all the risk factors: cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, plaques in blood vessels,” the endocrinologist warned.

Previously, the four most useful products for brain function were named.

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