Does GenAI revolutionize customer contact? The vision of 11 experts (video)

The future of digital customer contact is central to a series of interviews that Frankwatching had with eleven conversational experts. Their various responses show how difficult it is to say anything about the impact of GenAI on customer contact in -say- a year’s time. But we can identify a number of important trends from the answers.

In any case, agency experts agree that current digital customer service needs to be greatly improved. Just think of outdated chatbots, impersonal answers, chatbots that customers do not understand…

They also argue for more confidence in GenAI technology and therefore less manual work among customer contact employees. But they also warn against hasty implementation, without looking at existing customer contact and channel strategies.

You can also see what the experts think about this in this video, which the 300 visitors of Conversational Conference (last September 19 in Jaarbeurs Utrecht) were shown at the beginning of the event.

AI first

The statement “Next year we will work AI first” produces mixed reactions. Some experts are convinced of a rapid transition and point to the revolution that GenAI has brought. Others are more cautious and emphasize that large companies are not ready yet. They warn against an excessive focus on automation, at the expense of the human touch.

Are people ever satisfied with chatbots? Yes, most experts expect a significant improvement with the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs). Some predict that traditional chatbots will disappear and advanced AI assistants will take their place. But here too, the human side of customer contact should not be lost sight of.

The question about the customer contact channel of the future yields different answers. Telephony/voice is still seen as crucial, especially for complex interactions. In terms of digital channels, they focus on social media, in-company apps, video and chat, especially WhatsApp. But an omnichannel approach remains important.

Important trends

The analysis of these insights reveals a few important trends:

  1. Agencies are making a clear move towards GenAI solutions.
  2. However, the speed of AI adoption among organizations varies.
  3. There is tension between automation and the need for human contact.
  4. Diversification of customer contact channels, but with a trend towards digital communication.

My conclusion? The (near) future of digital customer contact is likely to be a hybrid model of AI-driven solutions and human interaction. As an organization, it is best to develop a strategy that embraces technological innovation, without neglecting the human aspects. But a strategy in which technology really improves the customer experience, strengthens relationships and adds value to every interaction.
