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A photo sent to the media at 17.47 hours. It is all that Alberto Núñez Feijóo was able to get from the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, during her visit to Rome this Thursday. Just a snapshot in front of the mirror of the one known as The Yellow Loungethe space inside Palazzo Chigi where Italian leaders usually receive guests and their delegations. A portrait that certainly escapes the spontaneity that the leader of the PP did manage, at least, with the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with whom he held the first meeting of his European tour on immigration. Then, if only for the images they made public, they were laughing without any demand for artifice. But above all they showed the reality of a meeting.

According to sources from the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo met with Giorgia Meloni and Antonio Tajani, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the morning. The party claims that the three of them chatted for 45 minutes, although unlike what happened with Mitsotakis, in this case no images of the meeting have been released. Neither photo nor video. What’s more, it seems that if it were up to Meloni they would not have even met. The Italian did not want to publicise the meeting. This Thursday, her government agenda was empty and she has not written on her social networks for two days. There is no trace of Feijóo. From the PP, they ironically say that surely the president “does not want to be seen with someone so moderate.”

After meeting Meloni, Feijóo travelled with Tajani to the headquarters of the Association of Foreign Press in Italy, just three minutes from Palazzo Chigi. In Greece, with the permission of the Prime Minister, the leader of the PP appeared before the press in front of a Greek and a European flag, but not in Italy. In Rome, Feijóo had to take off his presidential disguise and spoke to the media in the press room of the aforementioned association. Ciao flags.

If Feijóo was looking to generate some unrest in Vox with his trip to Italy after the split over immigration policy, the result has been, at best, weak. The treatment that Meloni has offered him is far from what he expected. used to grant Santiago Abascal when both coincide. Not long ago, the Italian boasted of the visit of her “friend” from the far right, with whose party she remains on good terms despite the fact that her Spanish colleagues chose the group of the Hungarian president, Viktor Orban, in the European Parliament. On the other hand, none of the main Italian newspapers have echoed Feijóo’s visit.

Image of the meeting Feijóo held with Mitsotakis.

But his lightning visit to the Roman capital has not been of much use to him in terms of discourse either. Neither on Thursday nor today has any major Italian media reported on his presence there. To make matters worse, a day that Feijóo wanted to focus on Meloni’s migration policy and thus get closer to the Italian one, was overshadowed by the outbursts of Esteban González Pons, who accused the Spanish Government of being complicit in a coup d’état in Venezuela.

The PP intends for Feijóo to continue his tour in the coming days, although they have not yet revealed which country will be chosen.
