Does the advertising offer on connected TV satisfy the French?

Dentsu Insights publishes the results of its study on connected television (CTV) which reveals the evolution of the audiovisual consumption habits of the French and their perception of the CTV advertising offer.

90%. This is the rate of French households currently equipped with a television. While television consumption remains very high in France, several developments have been identified in recent years. Dentsu Insights, the insights and data department of the Dentsu France group, has just published the results of a study dedicated to the world of connected TV, which reveals the new habits and preferences of French consumers.

According to the latter, connected TVs have truly become a central element of the audiovisual experience in France. Users’ perception of connected TVs is thus generally positive, highlighting the discovery of new content (87%), ease of access (86%) and an intuitive interface (74%).

FAST TV services struggling

However, FAST TV services that provide access to a catalog of live channels with advertising remain uncommon, with only 34% of connected TV users watching them. Similarly, “If streaming is particularly appreciated by the younger generations, a difference is marked among 35-49 year-olds, who are more in favour of live television”note Dentsu Insights.

Another lesson from this study: installing applications on these televisions is also now common. While 49% of users have downloaded between three and five applications, around half of them use them at least once a week. Streaming services (65%), live television (61%) and online video (53%) are among the preferred applications.

A satisfactory advertising offer

As regards the CTV advertising offer, a certain satisfaction is identified on the consumer side: while more than half of those equipped with a connected television are attentive to it (40% pay attention to it), “moderate attention” and 16% a “full attention”), 80% believe that the ads they see are relevant to their interests.They are considered effective in capturing attention to a brand and strengthening its identity.”it is specified in the study.

And the effectiveness of CTV advertising is confirmed in the study: 41% of users say they have already made a purchase after watching an ad on their connected TV. However, the observation is somewhat different when it comes to the interactive features enabled by CTV. In fact, only 47% of users say they have already used them.

“The results of this study confirm our idea that today, television offers a showcase of content for everyone. Ultimately, it is the formats within the screen that will evolve, becoming more interactive, more protean and therefore necessarily more engaging! Thanks to the capabilities offered by connected TV in terms of data capacity, diversification of content and therefore advertising offers, the future of the ‘small screen’ is full of promise.”assures Julie Humeau, media and market insights director at Dentsu France, in a press release.


The study was conducted on a sample of 1,000 French people, aged 18 to 49 and equipped with connected TVs.
