“Don’t always be bloated”… What are the best foods to relieve constipation?

If you have chronic constipation, you may feel lethargic, stuffy, and irritable.

“Don’t always be bloated”… What are the best foods to relieve constipation?
Pears are rich in fiber, which helps prevent or resolve constipation. (Photo = Getty Images Bank)

Constipation can make you feel sluggish, stuffy, and irritable. Most people only experience it occasionally, but it can become chronic. Constipation is also more likely to occur as you age.

How do you know if you have constipation? Warning signs include having fewer than three bowel movements a week or having hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass.

If you have constipation, the first step to solving it is to change your diet. The foods we eat have a big impact on how well our digestive system works.

The key is how much fiber you consume. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, women should consume 22 to 25 grams of fiber per day, and men should consume 28 to 31 grams. But you don’t have to count the grams. Instead, look for foods that are high in fiber.

Unlike fiber foods, irregular meals and a diet centered on instant foods can easily cause irregular bowel movements. In particular, constipation can be improved by simply improving diet and lifestyle habits. The American health and medical media outlet ‘WebMD’ has compiled foods that are effective for digestion and constipation and methods that help relieve constipation.

|Foods that are good for preventing and relieving constipation|

ship=Pears are one of the fruits with the most fiber. One medium-sized pear contains 6 grams of fiber.

banana=Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium helps restore electrolytes in the body and helps contract the intestines during bowel movements. It also contains a lot of fiber, which promotes proper digestion.

oats=Oats, a whole grain, are rich in fiber. One cup of oatmeal made with oat flour contains 4 grams of fiber. It is even better when you top your oatmeal with fresh or frozen fruit.

Berries=Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. These ingredients soften stools and improve bowel movement.

apologize=Apples are rich in various vitamins and minerals, but they especially contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps prevent constipation. They are also rich in fiber, which is effective in treating constipation, and contain pectin, an essential nutrient that keeps the intestines healthy. One medium-sized apple contains 4g of fiber and is also high in water.

potato=I’m not talking about French fries. If you eat raw potatoes, steam them well, you can get a surprising amount of vitamin C and 3 grams of fiber per medium-sized potato. For maximum benefit, eat them with the skin on.

avocado=Rich in natural fiber that cleanses the intestinal wall. A source of monounsaturated fatty acids, it helps the pancreas and gallbladder function properly.

pineapple=Pineapple is a fruit rich in fiber, even more than avocado. Pineapple also contains a lot of bromelain, which helps with the digestion of meat. It is especially helpful in digesting food after surgery.

tomato= Contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, and lycopene. Lycopene, which is abundant in the red color of tomatoes, acts as an antioxidant. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, which is good for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

pulse= At least once a week, replace meat with a diet rich in beans. Beans are rich in protein, iron, and fiber. A half-cup serving of cooked kidney beans contains about 6 grams of fiber. A half-cup serving of cooked lentils also contains 9 grams of fiber, and a half-cup serving of green beans contains 4 grams of fiber.

|Good habits for relieving constipation|

Adding fibrous foods to your diet and adopting the following lifestyle habits can greatly help relieve constipation:

Drink plenty of water.=Eating high-fiber foods won’t help if you don’t drink enough water. Water helps your stool pass more easily.

Eat slowly=If you don’t eat fiber-rich foods slowly, you will get gas and bloating.

Move your body=Being active is good for digestion. Just taking a walk every day can help your digestive system work more efficiently.

When food isn’t the solution?

In some cases, diet alone may not be enough to resolve constipation. Therefore, other treatments, such as medication, may be necessary, so if the condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor. And you should always tell your doctor if you see blood in your stool or have abdominal pain.

Source: kormedi.com