Dosage & application of the nux vomica!

Not only helps against nausea

Nux vomica, also known as nux vomica, is one of the most important homeopathic remedies. It is effective not only against nausea during pregnancy, but also against stress, colds or constipation. This is what you should know about the potencies, dosage and use of Nux vomica.

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Quick overview: Frequently asked questions and answers

What is Nux vomica used for? Nux vomica is used for digestive problems such as constipation and bloating, insomnia, headaches and problems caused by excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption.

How do you dose Nux vomica? Adults take five globules three times a day, while small children take three globules and infants take one globule. As soon as the symptoms are alleviated, the dose should be reduced to once or twice a day.

How long does it take for Nux vomica to work? The effect of Nux vomica can vary from person to person. Some people notice an improvement in their symptoms after just a short time.


Detoxification with homeopathy

Detoxification with homeopathy

What is Nux vomica?

The nux vomica is a deciduous tree whose full Latin name Strychnos nux-vomica This name already indicates the most important ingredient of the nux vomica: the poison strychnine.

Although the bark and fruits of the nux vomica tree also contain strychnine, in homeopathy only the seeds (Nux vomica or Semen Strychni) are used for medicines.

Their toxic ingredient makes nux vomica seeds a remedy in homeopathic doses – in India they have been used as medicine for centuries. Today they are one of the most important homeopathic remedies.

The nux vomica (also called crow’s eye tree or strychnine tree) is native to Southeast Asia.

Key symptoms: Main complaints for Nux vomica

Key symptoms are characteristic main features or typical complaints that indicate a certain disease or a specific homeopathic remedy. They are essential for selecting the right medicine in homeopathy.

The drug picture of nux vomica includes both physical as well as emotional and mental symptoms that are noticeable in those affected.

The following complaints suggest treatment with Nux vomica:

  • Overwhelm, stress, emotional strain, strong inner tension, hectic lifestyle, overworked, workaholism, anxiety, irritability

  • Tendency to consume stimulants, such as coffee, alcohol, mentally stimulating substances, but also sleeping pills

  • Frequent infections, Tendency to catch coldssensitivity to cold, chills, runny nose

  • Tendency towards unhealthy eating, gluttony, excessive lifestyle

  • Headaches and tinnitus caused by stress or diet (fatty, plentiful, spicy)

  • Feeling of fullness, tenderness to clothing, bitter or sour belching, cramping stomach pain, convulsions, twitching, nervous sensitivity, nausea, vomiting

  • Digestive problems, frequent but futile urge to defecate/constipation (sometimes alternating with diarrhea), hemorrhoids

  • Tension in the back due to lack of exercise or being bedridden, tension headaches, pain in the neck and shoulder area; hardening of the muscles

  • evening sleepiness with hours of wakefulness during the night; tiredness in the morning

  • increased menstrual cramps, prolonged or unusually heavy bleeding

Areas of application of Nux vomica

The areas of application of Nux vomica include mainly diseases of the digestive organs, but also complaints caused by diet, stimulants or the intake of certain medications.

Typical complaints for which the nux vomica is used are:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion, irritable stomach, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, feeling of fullness, constipation, heartburn

  • nervous complaints: stress, anxiety, excitement, anger

  • Katergefühl

  • Headache

  • Back pain/lumbago

  • Neck pain

  • Colds and flu-like symptoms

  • Tinnitus/ringing in the ears

  • Oral complaints: bad breath, dry mouth, teeth grinding, jaw joint problems

  • sleep disorders

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Morning sickness and nausea

  • after operations: in case of nausea or digestive problems after anesthesia

Nux vomica D6 and C6: Typical potencies and their dosage

Nux vomica is usually administered in potencies D6 or C6. However, higher potencies such as D12/C12 or D30/C30 can also be useful in consultation with homeopathic specialists.

Adults take five globules three times a day, small children three globules and infants one globule. When the symptoms have improved, the dose should be reduced to once or twice a day. If the symptoms no longer occur, the medication should be discontinued.

It is important to use the medicine as described in the package leaflet. If you are unsure, you can also seek advice from a pharmacist.

Remedies with similar effects to Nux vomica

Homeopathic remedies with comparable key symptoms include:

  • Chamomilla (nervousness)

  • Ignatia (nervousness)

  • Staphisagria (nervousness)

  • Aurum (depressed state of mind)

  • Sodium muriaticum (depressed state of mind)

  • Bryonia (constipation)

  • Calcarea carbonica (too early or heavy menstruation)

Stimulate metabolism with homeopathic remedies

Stimulate metabolism with homeopathic remedies

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