A unique experiential experience, where the traditional clothing was an element of research for the history of each region, was lived in Kalampaki, Drama, by the students of foreign universities, participating in the 12th Summer Program of Greek Language, Translation and Culture.
A total of 27 students from seven countries – Spain, Mexico, Uruguay, France, Italy, Poland and Turkey – were hosted with their companions at the Educational and Cultural Association of Kalambaki, where they had the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the region, but also to get to know it through the traditional costumes of the club.
More than fifteen children dressed in a traditional costume from each region of Greece, choosing the costume themselves, after its presentation.
“Without any limitations – language, experience, culture -, we became a dancing circle, human, a circle of culture, which conveys the aroma and the taste, the experience and the common step. We experienced a culture, through “dressing up”, which brought the joy of “sharing”, emphasizes in her statements the president of the MPS Kalampakiou Drama, Athanasia Theodoridou.
The Greek traditional costume is identified with the history of each region
The Educational and Cultural Association of Kalambaki hosted this year, for the first time, all the participants of the 12th Summer Program of Greek Language, Translation and Culture, which is held every year by the University of Granada and specifically the Center for Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies/Research Group “Studies of Medieval and Modern Greek Culture”/Department of Greek Philology, the Spanish Society of Modern Greek Studies and the Municipality of Drama.
“The idea was simple, like the relationship between people,” emphasizes Mrs. Theodoridou, and continues: “It was simple and spontaneous, arising from the discussion of people who want to share a common culture. Happy to share such a relationship once again. The MPS Kalambakiu has been advocating, for years, extroversion, osmosis, interaction. Modes that emerge through the interaction of actors. The contact of people who share a culture and wish to share it. This is how the meeting of people, students, postgraduates and professors with the members of the association, the dance groups, with the people who seek to offer and share culture came about.
The Greek traditional costume, as Mrs. Theodoridou says, in addition to its rich decoration, which is identified with the history of each region, “also has an “unexplored” property: whoever wears it by choice “feels” its weight, he suddenly lightens up, feeling every stitch of embroidery and the art of the terzi, he acquires the vision of people who experienced history and wore it as a “good costume”, he feels the garment”.
With information from www.iefimerida.gr | Photos: APE-MPE
Source: enallaktikidrasi.com