Drivers flashing their phones worry the police!

Drivers flashing their phones worry the police!

The police intensified the supervision of the use of safety devices and factors causing inattention from the 16th to the 20th. September

The police also monitored the use of safety devices, such as seat belts and telephones while driving, in Southeast Finland. Last week’s intensive surveillance, which lasted from Monday to Friday, was part of the police’s nationwide surveillance theme.

Inspector Henrik Westerberg The police department of South-Eastern Finland says that for the most part the drivers of South-Eastern Finland seem to have safety issues under control, but unfortunately there is also room for improvement. In the southeast, the police injured nearly 50 drivers who were using their phones behind the wheel. A particularly large number of drivers focused on their phones were caught in Kouvola, where the police fined 24 drivers for using their phones while driving.

– Unfortunately, the number of cell phone cases is not surprising, you see far too much of it in traffic. The phenomenon reflects modern times well, we are so addicted to social media that even while driving we can’t stop flashing our phones, says the inspector.

– In schools, children have cell phone parks, so adults could learn from this and put the phone in the park for the duration of the drive. The driver must focus on what is happening around him.

Many motorists were missing a seat belt

In South-Eastern Finland, the police also revealed several violations related to safety devices during intensive surveillance. The most common reason was not wearing a seat belt. In South Karelia, the police issued 29 traffic fines for safety device malfunctions. In Kymenlaakso, Kouvola, there were ten similar cases during the surveillance, and 12 in Kotka.

– Research has shown that using a seat belt increases the chances of surviving an accident, so not using it is absolutely absurd. Fastening your seat belt takes a few seconds and can save your life – always wear it, says Westerberg and continues:

– I also urge you to boldly point out when a friend is missing a seat belt or is using a phone while driving. It is of great importance for the safety of everyone in traffic.

Source: Police
