According to statistics, lack of sleep is like getting into a car slightly drunk. If you slept less than 4-5 hours the night before, the risk of an accident doubles. A drowsy driver’s reaction time is slower, his attention is scattered, and he is more likely to make bad decisions. That is why maintaining not only our car, but also our own “system” is vital. Most of the time, what works for one can be useful for another.
Maintain your body like your car!
Just as you regularly check the condition of your car, you also need to pay attention to your own health in order to function well. This is also true for sleep. And it’s not just that certain diseases lead to sleep disorders – or vice versa. Healthy and conscious eating, drinking the right amount of fluids, and regular exercise contribute to being balanced during the day, able to perform well, and able to rest peacefully at night.
Make your environment comfortable!
Just as the color, type, and shape are important when choosing a car, you also need to create the ideal sleeping environment that suits you. Choose a bed mattress and pillow that match your sleeping position and physical characteristics, make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and at the right temperature (18-20 degrees), and wear sleepwear that makes you feel good.
Breathe to reduce stress!
Just like when you’re driving, simple breathing exercises can be used before bed to help reduce stress and promote a calm state, whether you’re trying to relax in a traffic jam or in bed. Ventilate the room or car, then take a deep breath through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and slowly exhale through your mouth.
Avoid alcohol and screens!
Alcohol—as tempting as a glass of wine in the evening—detracts from sleep quality by disrupting REM sleep, which is key to a restful night of regeneration. Blue light from screens is similarly harmful, inhibiting the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps sleep. Therefore, in the same way as when driving, have zero tolerance for these before going to bed: drink a soothing, relaxing herbal tea instead, and exclude the TV and other digital devices from the bedroom.
Good music helps you relax
Music can also help you while driving, not only to stay awake, but also to relax and calm down on a long drive or sitting in a nerve-wracking traffic jam. The same method can be used before bed to tune your mind to rest: listen to your favorite playlist or find a soothing ASMR video to help you achieve the calm, stress-free state you need for sleep.
Caffeine: it helps there, not here
Just as caffeine can help you stay awake while driving, it can also make it harder for you to fall asleep at night. Its effect can last for up to 5-6 hours, so avoid coffee and energy drinks with an invigorating effect in the afternoon and evening!
Take a break if you’re tired!
As with longer drives, you should also take short breaks throughout the day to stay alert. An early afternoon “power nap” or mini-nap – a short nap of 20-30 minutes – is, for example, an effective tool for overcoming fatigue. However, be careful not to fall into a state of deep sleep, because it can lead to a difficult awakening, after which it is not a good idea to get behind the wheel, and it can also make it difficult to fall asleep at night.
Sedacur forte: calms during the day, induces sleep at night
If, despite the above tips, there are temporary periods when you need support for stress reduction and/or restful sleep, herbs can help with both. It is available without a prescription Strong sedacur contains extracts of herbs such as valerian, hops and lemongrass, which have long been used in folk medicine for their soothing and hypnotic effects. THE Strong sedacur herbal medicine can help with periodic sleep disorders and stressful life situations: it relieves daytime tension, makes it easier to fall asleep, and ensures a peaceful night’s rest. The next day, Sedacur forte does not impair attention, nor does it affect the ability to concentrate, motor coordination or reaction ability, so you can safely do your work or drive a car while taking it.