Drought as a cause of land subsidence

Land subsidence is caused by several factors including sudden climate change and especially drought, and can be identified through cracks in the walls.

Land subsidence, what to do and how to intervene

Climate change and the Drought now widespread generate the formation of crepe sui muri e subsidence of the foundation soil. These events are now rapid and frequent, periods of heavy rains are followed by phases of flooding aridity con temperature elevate.
Climate change therefore does not only mean the melting of glaciers and the rising sea level: there are a series of effects secondary and less perceptible but which cause problems certainly not negligible both in relation to the ground both at buildings placed above.

The causes of the differential settlements There are many foundation soils but the main and most identifiable ones are thedrying of the surface layers of the soil, the difference in structure of the soils on which the house rests, the strong slopes or overloads near the foundation.

Other causes may concern theexcess water which can break the pipesexcavations near the building, underground floors not completely completed, vibrations of the subsoil.

Uretek Italia SPA he concentrated his Education and the energy to identify system minimally invasive, suitable for solving this type of problem, which is now frequent throughout the country and specifically in the South.

He introduced the system Deep Injections® or the method based fundamentally on injections of GeoPlus expanding resin®immediate intervention material, constantly monitored during the application, with an advanced laser technology.

The application of the method does not cause any no inconvenience to the users of the housing construction concerned, indeed, it allows them to carry out their normal daily activities, solving the problem of the formation of any type of structural failure.

Drought and Land Subsidence, What Are the Key Steps to Solving the Problem?

The first thing to do is to contact the Uretek company to arrange an inspection where the technicians can view the actual state and the places, understand the extent of the problem, listen to the client’s needs, propose effective solutions for land consolidation, and draw up a cost estimate.

The inspection

The inspection is a quick, non-invasive and completely free operation, with no commitment at all. contractualis only used to evaluate the conditions of the building, the presence and size of cracks, lesions and any structural failures, collect the initial data to develop a proposal and then draw up a metric calculation.

Consolidation techniques: operational intervention phases by Uretek Italia SPA

Technical expertise and evaluation of the consolidation intervention to be carried out

Next, a technical expertise with the evaluation of the intervention, i.e. the processing of all the mechanical parameters collected in the geotechnical report of the inspection, through a specific calculation software. The technicians, at this point, with the data in hand, design the intervention in a perfectly calibrated way.

The execution of the drillings

The practical part begins with the execution of the perforationsof course with the prior consent of the commissioningThe operation is carried out without any excavation and simply consists of creating small fori in the foundation soil that will be used to insert the resin Geoplus.

Foundation subsidence: advantages of the Uretek methodFoundation subsidence: advantages of the Uretek method

Initially, the injected resin is in phase liquidcan thus better descend inside the holes made and reach the empty areas to be consolidated, therefore in a few moments the resin increases in volumeit rises, it becomes solidresistant, compact.

The whole process is always followed by the technicians corporate, through monitoring laser; the intervention is concluded when the optimal lifting level is reached.

Soil Consolidation: What are the Benefits?

The method Deep Injections®guarantees:

  • safety to the house in a short time;
  • it’s a clean and fast solution;
  • solve the lowering problem immediately;
  • It is non-invasive and therefore no surgery is required. worksite to proceed with the intervention;
  • it also does not require masonry work;
  • does not produce waste materials;
  • it doesn’t dirty or pollute;
  • It is also suitable for tight spaces such as houses in historic centers or terraced houses.

Foundation subsidence: advantages of the Uretek methodFoundation subsidence: advantages of the Uretek method

With this technologywith reduced costs and times, precise lifting can be achieved with a check millimetric performed at laser; it is a reliable method thanks to a computer I specify which size the intervention.

Other advantage it concerns the tax deductionsin fact, an intervention of this kind falls within the extraordinary maintenance works of the home and therefore deductible up to 50%. Eliminating dangerous cracks in housing construction by consolidating the foundation soil is to enjoy tax breaks.

Land subsidence due to drought: a case study

To get an idea of ​​how the technicians of the Uretek Italia SPA company intervene on problems concerning the subsidence of the land due to Drought or other meteorological factors, the experience and work carried out at a building in the municipality of Valenceprovince of Alexandria.

Monitoring the progression of lesions in a buildingMonitoring the progression of lesions in a building

L’building taken into consideration is composed of two bodies separated by a structural joint, it dates back to the 90’sdevelops on six levels above ground plus two underground ones used as cellars and garages, the foundations are built with a perimeter kerb in reinforced concrete and from insulated plinths in the same material.

The problem in this building arose when on one of the two bodies appeared cracks e cracks on the wall which gradually became more and more evident, until reaching the junction area of ​​the two bodies with dimensions equal to approximately 5 cm.

Case study and intervention in Valenza, by UretekCase study and intervention in Valenza, by Uretek

The company intervened by filling the gaps empty present in the foundation soil and thus increasing the load-bearing capacityused the method of special resin injections in two phases:

  • the first phase was compaction superficial, with injections performed in the intrados of the foundations in order to improve the characteristics geomeccaniche of the soil and fill the macroscopic voids present in the foundation-soil interface;
  • the second phase is of Consolidation in depth, i.e. injections made to reach lower levels, in the volume of soil affected by the loads transmitted from the building.

Each operational phase has been verified and controlled through monitoring laser during injections and by performing comparative dynamic penetrometric tests following the intervention.

This work was done in 31 days working hours and the ground underneath 7 plinths, 176 ml of strip foundation and 4 foundation slabs were consolidated.

Curiosities about the consolidation of the foundation soil

The company Uretek Italia SPA operates throughout the national territory; it is part of a international group of companies, whose interventions can be carried out anywhere in the world.

The Uretek Deep Injections procedure is also possible for clayey soils whose permeability is very low; in these cases the resin penetrates the ground instead of permeating, causes hydraulic fracturing, forms solid inclusions uniformly distributed around the injection point.

End of Article


Uretek is the only company to treat the entire volume of soil in depth, it is the only one that adopts resins rapidly expanding, allowing the customer to directly verify the effectiveness of the intervention at every point ofinjectionthanks to a precision laser.

Offer warranty contractual and also provides ainsurance ten-year post-intervention period of a leading global insurance company.

The company uses only materials certified and controlled, adopts resins produced by the world leader in the sector, then the design, the monitoring and testing are essential actions for every construction site, geotechnical engineers dedicate themselves daily to assisting the professionals in the development of interventions as well as in the supervision of the construction sites, finally a post service-sale is available to the customer to prepare him at every stage.

Uretek is skill, ingenuity, experience and competence.

Source: www.lavorincasa.it