Dry January: a dietician’s tip if you’re about to collapse

Encourage alcohol lovers to take a one-month truce. This is the concept of Dry January. An idea popularized in the United Kingdom by the organization Alcohol Change UK. The objective is to raise awareness among the population about alcohol consumption and its harmful effects on health. Should we still remember that its excesses lead to multiple serious illnesses (cancer for example)?

This month of January without alcohol therefore represents a challenge, a period of reflection on the relationship we have with drink. And a way to directly see the positive effects that can be gained by putting it aside. Better sleep, increased energy, better concentration and consumption that remains under control several months after January: the benefits of a break in alcohol consumption have not only been evaluated positively. But have also been validated by several scientific studies. If the idea has spread among us, it still remains marginal. So if you have decided to embark on this diet, here is what you need to do to succeed.

1/ Evaluate your usual consumption

You don’t prepare in the same way if you drink every day or occasionally. But in all cases we absolutely must have an idea of ​​what we are consuming. It’s a way to motivate yourself by becoming aware of your relationship with alcohol. And to know if we can last a month.

2/Measure your savings

Prepare a box and every time you want to drink, put in the money you would have spent on a bottle or glass. You will thus realize the savings made by getting rid of alcohol.

3/ Take up the challenge together

Do it with friends or family, it will be easier to motivate yourself. And if no one can support you, turn to social networks. Many accounts allow you to take on the challenge together, to note your difficulties for example. It’s excellent support to get you through the month.

4/ Anticipate moments of temptation

Identify times when you know alcohol will be present: after work for example, at parties with friends. In these cases, if you don’t want to talk about Dry January, excuse a little health problem that prevents you from drinking. No one can force you.

5/ Empty your home

Get rid of all the bottles of alcohol around you that could tempt you: store them in a place where you won’t be tempted.

6/ Find other sources of pleasure

Make a list of distractions that can distract you from the temptation to drink: cinema, theater, sports, painting, etc. it doesn’t matter, as long as your mind is distracted by something else. But that other thing that fulfills you.

7/ Replace alcohol with non-alcoholic drinks that you enjoy.

Find recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails: flavored sparkling water, fresh mint, lemon, pressed fruit juice mixtures, etc. There is no shortage of recipe ideas on the internet. Explore new tastes: kombucha for example, an extremely healthy acidic and fermented drink. Fresh juices such as carrots, beets, etc.

8/ Avoid seeing people with whom you used to drink.

To avoid being tempted, try to avoid bars and stores that sell alcohol.

9/ Make an essential place for relaxation

Hot shower, soft music, relaxation, meditation, yoga massages etc…anything that can relax you is good to have!

Thanks to Marie-Laure André, dietitian nutritionist and author of “the 7 laws of slimness” published by Leduc.

Source: www.topsante.com