During the slow receding of the flood, the dams receive an extreme load, and increased attention is still needed

During the slow receding of the flood, the dams receive a continuous extreme load, the vigilance and expertise of the hydrological colleagues providing the monitoring service play a particularly important role in this phase of protection, the National Directorate General of Water Resources (OVF) pointed out on its Facebook page.

According to the announcement on Saturday afternoon

  • At Nagybajcs, the Danube is already gradually receding, so the level of the river and Mosoni-Danube at Győr is expected to equalize today. All of this enables the opening of the Mosoni-Danube estuary structure and the capping of the water level in Győr.

  • in the section of the Danube above Budapest, despite the variable intensity, but continuous subsidence, increased attention is still needed from the defenders to detect and prevent seeps, leaks, and leaks along the embankments. Water experts continue to provide 24-hour monitoring service.

The OVF recalled that on Friday at Pilismarót, the tidal wave broke the foil covering on the constructed temporary protection line, which threatened the stability of the constructed protection line. The phenomenon was detected in time and the necessary intervention was started. István Láng, head of the National Technical Steering Group, immediately arrived at the site to coordinate and supervise the works. The employees of the water affairs department and partner bodies strengthened the temporary defense line in the affected section by lifting large bags filled with stones, so-called big-bags, with a special work machine.

According to the announcement

the Danube peaked in Budapest in the early hours of the morning on Saturday, at 5:00 a.m. at a water level of 830 centimeters, 61 centimeters short of the highest water level measured in 2013.

In the section of the Danube below Budapest, near Paks, the river is expected to peak on Sunday night, and near Baja on Monday night, approaching the third-degree flood protection level.

The Danube also peaked in Budapest, the police use drones to monitor the spread of the water, Viktor Orbán held a motorboat inspection

In the post of the OVF, he thanked everyone for their support, encouragement and care, but drew attention to the fact that they should not write about donations on Facebook and other social media sites, because they cannot handle it there. Contact charitable organizations for donations, and Útinform for closures. The Árvíz Vonal phone number is only called for water and flood information, for example the current location of roofs. Volunteers filling sandbags are no longer needed, local governments can provide information on current ways of helping.

Csaba Lantos: The flood does not threaten the security of the energy supply Viktor Orbán: We have passed the halfway point, we are cutting the centimeter, we have to endure five more difficult days Gergely Kárácsony: The most difficult day of flood defense is coming

Source: nepszava.hu