Easybike overturned driver killed in Chakaria

TomTom (battery-powered easy bike) overturned and crushed the driver in Cox’s Bazar Chakria. Ashraful Islam (18) was killed.

The accident took place in Koralkhali area of ​​Chiringa-Badarkhali road around 12 noon on Wednesday.

The deceased Ashraf is the son of Mahmudul Karim of Ward No. 2 Kaddachara area of ​​East Bara Veola Union.

Ward No. 2 member Bahadur Alam said, on the way home at noon, the TomTom car overturned at a turning point in the Koralkhali area of ​​the road. Meanwhile, the driver Ashraf was crushed under the tomtom and suffered a serious head injury. Later local people rescued him and he died on the way to the hospital.

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Source: dainikazadi.net