EDF forced to revise its SMR Nuward mini-reactor

Countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland prefer SMRs with off-the-shelf technologies, such as the AP300 project from the American company Westinghouse, a reduced version of its AP1000 reactor, a competitor to EDF’s EPR.

Simplify the design

At the end of June, when the project had just obtained authorisation from Brussels for new state aid of 300 million euros and was entering the detailed preliminary design phase, the decision was taken to simplify the design. Gone are the plate steam generators designed by TechnicAtome and the fully integrated semi-buried nuclear boiler. Back to “exclusively proven” technologies, explained EDF, without, at this stage, giving further details. It thus hopes to remain in a race that no one is yet on the verge of winning. To be continued.

Source: www.usinenouvelle.com