Edible Perennials – 8 Ornamental Plants That Fit Your Plate

Edible Perennials – 8 Ornamental Plants That Fit Your Plate

Edible perennials can be snapped up from the garden to the plate. Familiar ornamental plants can offer surprising flavors.

Perennial herbs, rhubarb and, for example, asparagus are familiar edible perennials, i.e. plants with grass stems, but many ornamental plants are also edible, although we don’t really think of them as edible plants.

By planting and growing perennials that are suitable for eating, you can enjoy a beautiful garden at the same time and a harvest that easily grows by itself year after year.

So you don’t necessarily need a separate area to grow the crop, but you can collect the crop from the flower bed.

If you’re not sure what you’re collecting, check beforehand. Not all perennials are edible and some are even poisonous.

Do not collect for eating plants and flowers that have been treated with plant protection agents. Prefer fertilizing as organically as possible.

Edible perennials that fit on a plate

1. Liverwort

The easy-to-care-for perennial in a sunny place will delight you in many ways in the garden. The handsome liverwort attracts butterflies, bees and bumblebees and is beautiful from spring to frost. Succulent leaves can be collected on a plate. The leaves have a mild taste, slightly reminiscent of citrus acidity.

2. Moon lilies

The beautiful leafy plant of shady and semi-shaded gardens is familiar as an ornamental plant, but the spring shoots of moonlilies serve as an asparagus-like delicacy. All moon lilies are suitable for eating, but the blue moon lily is probably the most delicious. Cut the 10 cm shoots, fry in a pan with butter and enjoy.

3. Worms

Pig’s yarrow and garden yarrow are suitable for eating. The leaves can be dried as an herb, in which case they can be crushed and sprinkled dried on many dishes. The taste is reminiscent of pepper. The flowers are also edible and can be used in tea mixes.

4. Lavender

Lavender is considered more of an ornamental plant than a spice plant. However, its flowers are edible. Flower buds can be used, for example, in cake and cookie doughs to bring a floral flavor. Use lavender sparingly. Its strong taste can seem soapy in large quantities.

5. It is impossible

If ground hops take over an area in the garden, keep the growth under control by eating. The leaves and flowers are edible and have a hint of citrus and peppery flavor. Season salad, halloumi or feta with the leaves, use with fish or dry as a tea herb.

6. Daylily

All daylilies are edible, but the yellow daylily is the most delicious. The flowers, leaves and roots are edible. The sunny flowers of the yellow daylily bring a citrus scent to the garden, and the flowers can be used as edible flowers on top of cakes and, for example, in salads. Collect buds, fry in a pan in butter or add to wok dishes.

7. Roses

Roses cultivated without plant protection and pesticides are suitable for the plate. Roses are especially used for flowers and petals, which are used to decorate dishes and pastries, to make marmalade and jam. The flowers can be dried into tea mixes or into flower streusel.

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8. Color mint

Color mint is a colorful flowering perennial that beautifies the garden, attracts pollinating butterflies, bees and bumblebees. The flowers taste great in, for example, fruit salads and as a cake decoration. The leaves and flowers can be used as a tea.

Source: kotiliesi.fi