Effective methods for normalizing blood sugar

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Diabetes occurs when blood sugar, the body’s main source of energy, is well above normal limits and sometimes the symptoms are unusual.

Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is the most common type and means that the body does not use insulin correctly. The chances of getting the disease increase if you are overweight or obese or if other people in your family have diabetes. Experts say both types of diabetes have some of the same warning signs.

When does hyperglycemia occur?

To lower your blood sugar, it’s important to pay attention to your diet while exercising regularly. This helps avoid blood sugar spikes and builds.

The accumulation of excess sugar in the blood, a condition scientifically defined as hyperglycemia, occurs when fasting blood sugar is above 100 mg/dL – a situation that, if persistent, can have adverse effects on the functioning of various organs.

Therefore, as soon as such symptoms appear, it is important to consult a specialist doctor so that a clinical assessment can be carried out and tests can be ordered to help confirm or reject the diagnosis and assess the risk of complications.

How to lower blood sugar?

To reduce blood sugar, it is important to follow the instructions of the diabetologist or endocrinologist, and the following actions are usually recommended for more or less long practice.

Dr. Clarice Bezera, specialist in emergency internal medicine at the Santo Antonio University Hospital Center in Porto, has some recommendations.

Photo source: doctorulzilei.ro archive
  1. Taking medication

The use of antidiabetic drugs may be recommended by the doctor to regulate the sugar level, especially when diabetes is already diagnosed. Metformin, glibenclamide, glimepiride, gliclazide or insulin may therefore be prescribed.

  1. Healthy food

Nutrition is essential to lowering blood sugar levels. It is recommended to avoid the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates and to increase the consumption of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and good fats.

In addition, it is recommended that instead of large and small meals – that is, the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, practice small but frequent meals throughout the day, with an average interval between them of 3 hours, to avoid glycemic peaks .

  1. Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity is important because it uses circulating sugar as an energy source and prevents the stagnation of large amounts.

Therefore, it is recommended to practice walking, running, weight training or other physical activities for at least 30 minutes a day.

  1. Regular medical consultation

Regular consultations with the specialist are important, especially in the case of a diabetes diagnosis. This allows you to monitor the level of glucose, thus adjusting the drugs taken and preventing complications. It is also important to make adjustments to the nutritional plan.

Nutritional monitoring in the pre-diabetes period plays a major role, as changing eating habits can prevent the progression to diabetes.

How do you know if your sugar level is high?

To find out if your blood sugar level is high, it is important to measure your blood sugar level – in this sense, your glucose level is considered high when a concentration of more than 100 mg/dL is detected. Diabetes is usually considered established when the glucose concentration is above 126 mg/dL on at least two different doses or above 200 mg/dL on a single dose.

In addition to the fasting glucose test, the doctor may order other tests such as an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), postprandial blood glucose, or glycated hemoglobin, which provide information about glucose levels over the past three months.

To confirm a possible increase in blood sugar, the doctor also evaluates the signs and symptoms that the person may have that indicate possible hyperglycemia: excessive thirst, increased need to urinate, headache, numbness in the hands or legs and drowsiness.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro