Eglantine Todisco, the virtuous chemist of Syensqo

In the meantime, the 31-year-old bioprocess doctor is finding her balance in project mode. “If the project interests me, the work will be enjoyable and it will take me somewhere where I will thrive.” Within the Syensqo laboratory, in Saint-Fons (Rhône), after six months in a start-up and two years as an engineer at Séché Environnement, the manager of “The Biovigilant Squad” helps the group define and achieve environmental objectives in water treatment. “I am intervening to make chemistry more virtuous,” sums up the hiking enthusiast, who has already climbed a 5700-meter peak in Nepal.

Perseverance that pays off

Appreciated for her dynamism and perseverance, she is responsible, in particular, for developing the optimal solution, in terms of energy and reagents, which will make it possible to treat polluted process water before discharging it into nature in accordance with standards. With this in mind, she and her team will soon deliver Biox, an automated pilot which extrapolates the specificities of a wastewater treatment plant, to regulate it. “We will be able to study, from a three to five litre basin, what will happen on a real scale.”

The work that characterizes her

“Audition”, a song performed by Emma Stone in the movie “La La Land”

“This song resonates with me a lot. ‘Greetings to all those who try and do,’ is what the lyrics say, in a nutshell. That’s exactly how I see life.”
