Electoral reform is essential for establishing people’s government

It is well known that; Proper retention and maintenance of democratic values ​​is the development in modern nation stateAn inevitable accompaniment of progress. Collective thought of Apamar peopleFree from formal processes in the reflection of consciousnessA state system governed by public representatives through fair elections is the best indicator of a progressive political culture. Basically: All partiesCollective participation of opinionThe formation of government and governance on the basis of supportive leadership and proper representation strengthens democracy. Democracy is the most respected system of governance in the modern world which has been able to gain maximum popularity all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century. Huge changeThrough refinement, democracy continues to take the form of a more popular form of governance. Democracy directs the way the state or government works to achieve the welfare of the entire population in a pure way in any society. People’s rule or custom as opposed to dictatorship or monarchyThe concept of democracy is fluent in the purity of principlesA clear expression of continuity. Indeed, a significant foundation of the traditional virtues of democracy is a transparent electoral process. The election commission performs the most important responsibility of organizing acceptable elections according to the prevailing laws of the country formed in a strong structure.

Promotion to all political parties interested in participating in the election cycleSimilar opportunities in campaignsIt is the responsibility of the Election Commission to provide facilities. The real voters of the country have no hesitationUnhindered exercise of voting rights by going to the polls is in accordance with the constitution. Security of every citizen especially voters before and after voting is important. Team of choiceIt is the responsibility of the Election Commission to create a safe environment for the candidate to win through secret ballot. During the election period, the party neutral role of all concerned including the administration and law enforcement forces is essential. moneypowerpostAny interference with the lure of designation is not conducive to the conduct of fair elections. Intimidation of voters in the face of bad culture or any other unsavory methods of polling process should be avoided everywhere. People’s participation is important at every level of the election process, starting from the national parliament to the marginal level. The process of empowering the representatives elected by majority vote in the true sense paves the way for democracy. It is highly significant that sustainable development is never possible without a democratic state system. The development example of developed world and countries that practice democracy is instructive for all countries.

Capture of polling stations, Many elections have been called into question in the past, including voterless elections and premature filling of ballot boxes in the dark of night. Deviation in the election process is not desired by anyone to take the right steps. murderterroruse of forcePersecutionA futile attempt to prevent elections through torture can never be the language of democracy. HarassmentAnonymous disappearance case with hateful namesInstances of attacks disrupting the normal course of society are rare in civilized societies. As a result of these ugly activities, the elected representatives embezzle moneya bribeIt plays a heinous role in creating corruption and public suffering. The people of the country are already shocked by the large number of banana trees blooming overnight due to their illegal methods. All forms of subterfuge of authoritarian or despotic evil power are rejected by the society. The election of public representatives through the expression of independent opinion of the general public is fueled by deep anticipation.

We all know, The Election Commission is an independent constitutional body. The Election Commission as an independent body is the President of the Republic, Parliamentary and local government levels are freeConstitutionally bound by oath to ensure fair elections. The organization maintains close ties and contacts with all registered political parties in the country. Announcement of election schedule, Determining constituencies, Prepare voter list, Polling supervision, Talking to political parties about the overall electionThe Election Commission took the initiative to discuss. Allegations of election irregularitiesOne of the tasks of the Election Commission is to set up the Election Tribunal to resolve the issues related to the case. Formation of the Election Commission in the 7th part of the constitution of the countryStructure, Powers and responsibilities are mentioned.

According to Article 118 of the Constitution, The Election Commission of Bangladesh shall consist of a Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners as may be directed by the President. The President shall appoint the Chief Election Commissioner and other commissioners subject to the provisions of any law made in that regard. If the Election Commission is formed with more than one Election Commissioner, the Chief Election Commissioner will act as its President. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the term of office of an Election Commissioner shall be five years from the date of his assumption of office and no person who has held the office of Chief Election Commissioner shall be eligible for appointment in the Republic. Any other Election Commissioner shall be eligible to be appointed as Chief Election Commissioner on completion of similar post. but shall not otherwise be eligible for appointment to the public service. Article 126 and Sections 4 and 5 of the Representation of the People Order 1972, It is the duty of all executive authorities to assist the Election Commission in discharging its duties. Such employees as may be required to carry out the duties entrusted to the Election Commission, Arrangements should be made to appoint such employees to assist in the election work.

A total of 12 national parliamentary elections have been held since independence. Out of these 8 are under party government with military rule and 4 are under non-party government. According to legend, Except for those conducted by non-partisan caretaker governments, all elections were controversial in various ways. Elections of 2014 and 2018 have been largely questioned in the electoral system of the country. In the one-sided elections of 2014, candidates of the ruling coalition and its allies were elected unopposed in 153 out of 300 seats before the polls. The number of candidates in the remaining 147 constituencies was 390. In terms of pre-election violence, this election surpassed all previous records. 123 people were killed since the announcement of the schedule on November 15, 2013 till the day before the polls. 2018 election results, Desi about the voter turnout rate in different centers and the margin of votes between the rival candidatesObserving organizations in foreign media raised various complaints. This election is widely known as ‘night election’ to the people. According to many, the Election Commission, Law enforcement forces, The civil administration and the ruling party played a central role in this election. They were all allies of each other.

Hon’ble Chief Adviser Election Commission in his address to the nation on the occasion of the one month anniversary of the formation of the Interim Government (EC)He announced the formation of six commissions as an initial step for reforms in six areas. He said, The interim government believed in people’s suffrage and people’s ownership. Therefore, the development of the electoral system has been given importance in the reformation of the government. According to himImposing the tyranny and tyranny of the majority on the people in the name of elections or thereby keeping all the power in the hands of one person or family or any group is not acceptable in any way. We are thinking of reforming the Election Commission and other institutions related to elections to curb these desires. Police administration as an institution related to electoral system, public administration, Administration of justice, Reforming these four institutions of the Anti-Corruption Commission is essential for fair and free elections. The reform of these institutions is based on public ownership, I believe that it will contribute to the establishment of accountable and welfare state system.

As the head of the Electoral System Reform Commission, Dr. Badiul Alam Majumdar told the media about the possible reform processI have not yet received the term of reference of the commission. However, as far as I understand, the work of this commission will be to make the necessary reforms to strengthen the Election Commission. So that the Election Commission can organize free and fair elections in the future as per the expectations of the nation. In this regard, in the context of Bangladesh and studentsThe motto of the people’s movement should be taken into account in the reform of the state. The much awaited fairThe people of Apam are eagerly waiting to exercise their right to vote in free elections in a free and open environment. in the countryElection of people’s representatives based on the opinion of real participants held abroad and formation of government based on majority consideration is more expected. Conducting elections under the current interim government in full normalcy will surely enrich the status of the state. May the next day’s elections be undefeated to fulfill the expectations of the people after the logical reforms are completed.

the writer : Educator, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Chittagong

Source: dainikazadi.net