Elena Lasconi: The USR censure motion is written

Elena Lasconi: The USR censure motion is written

The president of USR, Elena Lasconi, announced that the motion of censure against the Ciolacu government has been written and is waiting for the democratic political forces to sign it.

Elena Lasconi: The USR censure motion is written

“We appeal to all democratic parliamentary political forces to sign this motion of censure, called “, said Elena Lasconi on Facebook.

The USR leader also had a special message “for Mr. Ciucă and his PNL colleagues: you now have the chance to show everyone whether you are with the Romanians or you are with Ciolacu. And be careful: you can’t be with the Romanians and PSD at the same time”.

According to Elena Lasconi, the Ciolacu government brought Romania to a critical moment.

“Our former partners from the PNL say that they remain in government to defend the country from the PSD and that they want to make sure that the elections will be organized correctly. Well, dear people, wasn’t every PNL minister the head of the Interior in the previous elections, wasn’t every Greblă at AEP on June 9? What will be different with the same people? You were at the Government table and at the local and European parliamentary elections and you did not stop all the movements proven by documents from the polling stations. Why would the Romanians believe you now? The asylums of horror, the tragedy at Crevedia and many other misfortunes happened to you in the Government. How can we believe that you are standing up against PSD abuses?”, asked Lasconi.

She addressed “former colleagues from the PNL”, adding that “the choice is very simple”. “On the one hand, you have a choice between continuing this masquerade with Marcel Ciolacu and staying glued to the pipe with public money, on the other hand, you have a choice to really serve the interest of the Romanian nation. Such moments define us first of all as people, and only after that as politicians. Courage, gentlemen!”, concluded Lasconi.

Source: www.mediafax.ro