Eliminates forgetfulness and strengthens cognitive intelligence: 6 exercise suggestions for a healthy and strong mind – Last Minute Life News

Memory plays an important role in every aspect of our lives, affecting our ability to learn, solve problems, and perform daily activities. Strengthening and preserving memory over time improves our mental health. So, Which methods eliminate forgetfulness and strengthen cognitive intelligence? At work, 6 exercise suggestions for a healthy and strong mind…


1. Mental Games and Puzzles

Sudoku and word puzzles:

Mental games are an excellent way to strengthen memory. Numerical puzzles like Sudoku improve analytical thinking and memory skills, while word puzzles expand your language skills and vocabulary.

Logic games:

Strategic games like chess or checkers improve both memory and concentration. These games require thinking and planning for future moves.

2. Learning and Remembering Techniques


When learning information, visualizing it strengthens memory. For example, by visualizing an object or situation in your mind, you can remember it better.

Acrostic and association:

Learning new information using an acrostic method or by relating it to other information makes it easier to remember. For example, you can create a sentence using the first letters of a list to remember it.

3. Physical Activity


Physical activity has a positive effect on brain health. Regular exercise increases blood flow and encourages brain cell growth. Moderate aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week can improve memory.

Yoga and meditation:

Yoga and meditation reduce stress levels by providing mental calmness. This helps in strengthening the memory. Meditating regularly increases attention and concentration.

4. Healthy Nutrition

Balanced diet:

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins supports brain health. Salmon, walnuts, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits boost memory.


Drinking enough water improves mental performance. Being dehydrated can cause distraction and memory loss.

5. Social Interaction

Spending time with friends:

Social interaction has a positive effect on mental health. Chatting with friends, sharing new experiences and spending time together keeps memories alive.

Taking up a new hobby:

Taking up a new hobby increases brain activity. Painting, playing an instrument or learning a new language improves mental capacity.

6. Regular Sleep

Sleep patterns:

Adequate sleep is vital for memory. During sleep, the brain processes information learned during the day and stores it in memory. Sleeping 7-9 hours every night supports mental health.

Source: www.cumhuriyet.com.tr