Emma Geiger, the planet for school at STMicroelectronics

It’s been a rapid rise for Emma Geiger, 28, since she joined STMicroelectronics, the Franco-Italian semiconductor manufacturer, in 2021, after graduating. A facilities engineer in water treatment at the Crolles site (Isère), she began by overseeing the extension of an effluent treatment facility. The following year, she was appointed manager of the construction of another liquid effluent treatment plant.

Passion for foreign languages

“I was quickly given responsibilities, which allowed me to learn very quickly, being in the field, in contact with more experienced people,” says the engineer, originally from Belfort. In July 2023, management launched a call for volunteers to participate in the construction of a megafab in Catania, Sicily. Emma Geiger raised her hand and, in just a few months, learned Italian and became manager of a multicultural team of around ten people in the water treatment and ultrapure water production division.

“Learning new languages ​​is a hobby,” explains the one who also speaks English and Spanish, since a semester of exchange in Argentina during her studies at the École nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs de Limoges. Her strong point, according to her? Her ability to synthesize and make decisions quickly. “Within the global construction program team, which brings together 1,500 people, Emma is one of our best engineers,” emphasizes David Ferrand, the construction director in global engineering at STMicroelectronics. A path to follow.

The work that characterizes her

The film “On the Road” by Walter Salles

“It’s the story of young people who want to discover new things. This freedom, as well as this desire not to be pigeonholed, really resonates with me.”

Source: www.usinenouvelle.com