EMS prepared instructions for the process of connecting facilities to the transmission system

Photo illustration: Freepik (rawpixel.com)

In accordance with the Regulation on the conditions of delivery and supply of electricity, the next interval for the preparation of the connection study begins on September 1st, which lasts until December 31st of this year.

As stated on the official website of AD Elektromrež Srbije, the deadline for submitting complete documentation within the upcoming interval is August 1, 2024.

On this occasion, as well as due to the great interest of clients in connection processes and the questions they ask, EMS has also prepared an instruction that refers to the submission of a request for the conclusion of a contract on the preparation of a study of the connection of the facility to the transmission system.

In this presentation, you can find guidelines for filling out the necessary forms, as well as answers to questions that were frequently asked in the previous interval.

You can download the instructions here.

In the section User page/Connection to the transmission system, you can find all the necessary data regarding the entire process of connection to the transmission system, regardless of the type of object, as well as all the necessary forms for the Request for the conclusion of the contract on the study of the connection of the object to the transmission system ( request).

Energy portal

Source: energetskiportal.rs