Emulsion liqueurs / Day

Sugar and fats in any product, also in these liqueurs, act as a flavor enhancer, so they have a distinct aroma that can stimulate the appetite, even if the Sunday or holiday meal has been rich. These liqueurs are often enjoyed with coffee and cakes, although they can also replace cakes.

Long-term experiments

Sweet cream and eggs are products that require skills to prepare. Before the many components of liqueurs manage to combine into a single and, above all, sustainable whole, liqueur masters have to carry out many and long-term experiments. This path often leads to disappointment.

Therefore, in the end, when efforts and patience have been crowned with success, most manufacturers carefully hide the recipe obtained through difficult experiments. This is especially the case when the drink is obtained without the use of artificial additives. A typical example of such a liqueur is Advocaat egg liqueur.

Sweet cream liqueurs

A special type of liqueurs are sweet cream liqueurs. These wonderful drinks were not created only in the northern countries – the southerners also have their name and contribution in the range of sweet cream drinks. It is Spain and Cuba that perfectly complement this range of liqueurs, offering special nuances of taste. Both in cases where the recipe was inspired by other best liqueurs of this style, and in cases where the idea for the recipe came from ancient local folk traditions – the sweet cream goes perfectly with many raw materials, highlights their aroma and smoothes out unnecessary sharpness.

Irish sweet cream and whiskey liqueur has always had a special status among sweet cream liqueurs Baileys. This excellent liqueur is known all over the world by both professional bartenders and ordinary liqueur connoisseurs. It has contributed more to the growth of its homeland than any other liqueur ever could.

Almond and nut liqueurs

People interested in liqueurs may have paid special attention to emulsion liqueurs. Often, it is these drinks with their sweetness and thick, cream-like consistency that reveal the richness of the world of liqueurs to people, reminding them of familiar treats or desserts. They unobtrusively arouse interest, encouraging you to learn more about these liqueurs.

As the experience grows, the liqueur connoisseur looks at these sweet cream masterpieces with a different perspective and usually rediscovers them – no longer just as an alcoholic substitute for dessert.

Excellent emulsion liqueurs are also made from nuts, almonds and fruit kernels – they are able to provide a stimulating and balanced enjoyment of sweet and bitter nuances of taste and aromas.

Bitter tones are especially characteristic of almond and peach kernel extracts – they give liqueurs their characteristic taste. These liqueurs are made to be enjoyed with a cup of strong coffee.

Honey liqueurs

Sweet cream, eggs and nuts are not the only raw materials from which emulsion liqueurs are made. Another raw material is honey. The origins of honey liqueur are linked to met, which is mentioned and praised in history as an ancient Germanic power drink.

Several centuries later, honey and vodka liqueur became popular in Eastern European countries.

The fact that honey has inspired so many liqueur masters is related not only to the versatile properties of its sweetness, but also to the fact that this product was traditionally – often out of necessity – many centuries ago the only choice of sweetness in Europe, as there was no other at that time.

At that time, sugar was an unknown foreign product to Europeans, which became known in Europe only during the colonial times and even then retained its status as a luxury product for a long time. Today, when sugar is easy to produce and available, liqueur connoisseurs return to honey liqueurs again for the magic of the aroma, which is what defines so many special liqueurs.

Source: www.diena.lv