Energy according to a Chinese recipe (VIDEO)

16.09.2024. / 17:00

BANJALUKA – In the third part of the series The Chinese Route – Belt around Bosnia and Herzegovina, watch:

Foto: Printscreen

– How did the construction project of Block 7 in Tuzla with Chinese partners fail?

– Why are Chinese companies preferred for the renovation of Block 6 in TPP Tuzla and the previous construction plan for TPP Banovići

– How much will the construction cost of 3 MHE in Bistrica near Foča, which is credited by the Chinese Exim bank, really be?

– Controversies over the construction of HPP Buk Bijela.

– Were Chinese companies promised state assets as collateral for loans?

– Why are the Chinese asking for additional guarantees while Republika Srpska, i.e. Milorad Dodik, are giving

– How do Chinese companies continue to penetrate the RS energy sector with the construction of HPP Dabar?

Watch the third part of the series The Chinese Route – Belt around Bosnia and Herzegovina

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