Energy labels attached to smartphones and tablets are coming

From next June, a new obligation applies to smartphone and tablet manufacturers and distributors in the European Union. The new energy labels are coming, the first of which have already appeared in the boxes of the devices.

More than half a year before the binding deadline of June 20, 2025, the energy labels, similar to which could be seen mostly on household appliances and possibly entertainment electronic equipment (typically TV sets), were included in the boxes of the first smartphones in the European Union.

The picture below is taken from a label found in the box of a Motorola XT2407-1 smartphone, which is the Commission in Decree No. 2023/1669 details the energy efficiency index of the given device in accordance with the provisions.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps

This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps
This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

At the same time, the indicator e.g. unlike a refrigerator or washing machine, in this case it is not primarily an indication of energy saving, but rather shows the general durability of the phone.

For this purpose, among other things, the impact resistance, the dust and water resistance level, the repairability, the maximum charging cycles of the battery determined on the basis of certain parameters and the operating time of one cycle must be indicated on it – all calculated on the basis of precisely defined simulation protocol(s).

According to the law, manufacturers (suppliers) must ensure the availability of the label and the parameters included in it in the database, and from next June, retailers are obliged to place it next to each device displayed in stores, which must also be included in online sales – linked – in electronic format.
