Engie Green will allow its employees to devote themselves to environmental actions

The ecological transition is making a timid appearance in collective negotiations. At Engie Green, a subsidiary of Engie (630 employees) dedicated to the installation of onshore wind turbines and photovoltaic panels, an agreement “relating to the environment and ecological transition” was reached last spring between management and the CFDT, the only representative union.

It is one of the very first signed in application of the national agreement of April 2023 on the role of social dialogue in the ecological transition. At Engie Green, it was the employees of the Green Sentinels network, set up by the CFDT in companies, who contacted their management. It took ten meetings to write a text which “started from a blank sheet of paper”, according to Alice Salacroup, from the social affairs department.

Free employees for two days for the environment

“He wants to make the employee an actor in the ecological transition”indicates Guillaume Aspa, the CSR manager. The agreement provides for granting around thirty employees two days per year to carry out environmental action. The Environment commission (two members of the CSE) and the CSR manager will select the projects. To promote soft mobility, the old systems have been replaced by a sustainable mobility package. The electric car was not included in this package… Finally, a three-day Eco-workshop will be held in January to identify the actions to be implemented in the company in order to reduce its carbon footprint. “This major event, at the heart of our approach, will involve 40 employeesexplains Guillaume Aspa. It will allow us to build our environmental actions with employees, which gives them a chance to succeed and avoids greenwashing.” Renewed in two years, the 2024 agreement “is a first step towards a future text which will contain more engaging actions”predicts Alice Salacroup.

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