Eni gas e luce becomes Plenitude. What changes and what advantages are there for customers? Here’s everything you need to know.
For some years now we have been increasingly careful to reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible, starting with the small actions we do every day, from laundry to house cleaning, from what we eat to the products we buy and consume, without forgetting the way we travel for work, for holidays or for our daily errands. We can recycle, use natural products with zero impact on the environment to take care of our bodies and our homes, consume seasonal and zero-mile foods and make sure we reduce waste to a minimum. The good news, and we are seeing it more and more, is that even large companies have realized that there is a need for urgent interventions and new policies that look to the future and the well-being of all, not just profits.
Italy was the second country in the world after the United States to understand that faced with the new challenges and new opportunities of the markets of the 21st century, it was no longer sustainable to continue with what had been the dominant models of for-profit businesses until then and, with Law 208 of 28 December 2015, which came into force on the first day of the following year, introduced a new legal form for for-profit companies that want to go beyond the goal of profit and at the same time maximize their positive impact on society and the environment, the Benefit Corporation.
To date, there are just under a thousand Benefit Companies in Italy according to the latest data released by Infocamere and among these, as of 1 July 2021, there is also Eni gas and electricitythe first major Italian company in the energy sector to take this step towards the future. The update of the Articles of Association of Eni gas e luce to a Benefit Company anticipated by a few months what was a real rebranding, the most important since its foundation. To reflect the history of the company and best represent the global vision and energy that continues to regenerate, Eni gas e luce has become Plenitude.
Eni gas e luce becomes Plenitude. What will change?
The rebranding of Eni gas e luce certainly does not stop at the name. On the contrary. As a Benefit Company, Plenitude, officially born in November 2021, places business objectives and commitment to sustainability on the same level, following the principles of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) with the aim of creating shared value in the medium and long term. The principles of ESG push companies that adopt them to analyze and improve not only their behaviors and actions towards the environment and the planet in general, but also their impact and relationships with the territory, with people, with employees, suppliers, customers and the community in which they operate, as well as the good practices and ethical principles that must inspire corporate management.
Plenitude is acting on multiple fronts with the aim of reducing its carbon footprint. This does not only mean acting to increase installed capacity from renewable sources, which will pass from 1.4 GW by the end of 2021 a over 6 GW in 2025 until reaching over 15 GW in 2030or achieve the decarbonisation of electricity and gas consumption and offer a series of services linked to electric mobility with the aim of install over 35 thousand charging stations throughout Italy and Europe by 2030 compared to the over 7,000 currently installed in Italy alone.
Adopting ESG principles also means communicating transparently with your customers and placing them at the center of your business by offering them quality products and services that make the lifestyle and habits of the entire community more sustainable. While it is true that in recent years, citizens’ awareness has grown, it is equally true that they need the push and support of large companies, as in the case of Plenitude, which provides all the support necessary to make better use of energy and educate themselves to conscious and efficient energy consumption.
Often, however, simple advice, the best offers and products that allow you to responsibly manage and improve consumption are not enough. It may be necessary to update appliances with higher energy class models or carry out more substantial renovation work. Plenitude supports its customers in this toohelping companies to carry out the energy requalification interventions of buildings promoted by the Italian government with a series of bonuses, from the one for renovation interventions to the one for the renewal of furniture and household appliances, through the ecobonus, the superbonus 110 and the bonus for replacing a heating system with a new one capable of guaranteeing energy savings.
To do this, Plenitude, present in 11 countries with 2,000 employees and a portfolio of 10 million customers in the retail market, has started a partnership with Montepaschi Group e Harley&Dikkinson to support companies that join MyCoatthe service aimed at the energy requalification and seismic safety of condominiums and single-family buildings. CappottoMio is not limited to the thermal insulation of buildings to reduce heat loss, but extends to the energy adaptation of heating plants with the possibility of taking advantage of all the tax advantages provided by the ecobonus in this case too.
Plenitude takes care of people and the territory
Plenitude’s commitment to taking care of people and the territory began well before the name change and the updating of the Social Status to Società Benefits. Since 2018, Eni gas e luce had started collaborations with non-profit organizations active throughout Italy to promote volunteer projects, in 2020 it entered the community in Wami to contribute to the creation of a water project in Senegal which guarantees drinking water to those who do not yet have access to it and in the same year started a process of Eataly energy efficiency and its supply chain and the promotion of the culture of energy efficiency among its customers.
In 2021, Eni gas e luce began supporting the non-profit organization SVS Donna Aiuta Donna in building local networks to support people who are embarking on a journey out of violence and became the official sponsor of Donne all’Opera – per dire no alla violenza, a project born from an initiative by Francesca Ascioti, an internationally renowned opera singer and founder of the Enea Barock Orchestra.
The ambitious goal of achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2040
The creation of the Plenitude Benefit Corporation is part of Eni’s broader commitment to creating value through the energy transition and to reduce net CO2 emissions to zero Scope 3 by 2040, providing its customers with 100% green energy.
Earlier this year, Plenitude, through its US subsidiary Eni New Energy US Inc, has already expanded its portfolio of renewable capacity in the United States with the acquisition of two plants in Texas with a total capacity of 466 MW developed by the renewable energy company BayWa re. In the same area, Eni New Energy US Inc has also acquired the Guajillo storage project, of approximately 200 MW/400 MWh, which is expected to be operational before the end of 2023.
And just a few weeks ago GreenIT, the joint venture between Plenitude and CDP Equity for the production of energy from renewable sources, signed an agreement with CI IVa fund managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), for the construction of two floating offshore wind farms in Sicily and Sardiniaboth located over 35 km from the coast, for a total capacity of approximately 750 MW. The two wind farms, which will start operating between 2026 and 2028, will produce more than 2,000 GWh/year, equivalent to the average annual energy consumption of almost 750,000 families in the affected areas.
In collaboration with Plenitude
Source: www.greenstyle.it