Enovis, world number 1 in orthopedic equipment, will acquire a new logistics platform in Bayonne

Currently occupying three buildings at the Mouguerre freight center (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) a stone’s throw from the city of Bayonne, Enovis France will realize its expansion project that it has been nurturing for several years. Initially planned within the freight center, this operation will finally be carried out on the site of the former Bayonne foundries, owned by the Basque Country Urban Community.

The real estate component, the cost of which has been estimated at 20 million euros, will be supported by Sepa (Société d’équipement des Pays de l’Adour). It provides for the construction of a 13,000 m² logistics complex including 3,000 m² of offices and 10,000 m² of warehouses. Work could begin in 2025 for delivery in the summer of 2027.We currently occupy three buildings in Mouguerre that we have occupied as we have grown. Until now, it has been the company that has had to adapt to the infrastructure, this time we will have the opportunity to adapt the infrastructure to our needs. This new investment will allow us to grow and open up new markets.“, assures Sébastien Bellart, the site director.

Automation and new business niches

For its part, the American group will invest 5 million euros to equip its future platform. Enovis is currently thinking about automating its future site.Our product offering is relatively broad, ranging from ankle braces that weigh less than 100 grams to the examination table which weighs 200 kilos delivered on pallets, but the bulk of the order flows are small products, with two to three products per package. This is where we are going to push the thinking in order to improve preparation, better absorb peaks in activity and reduce the arduousness of the work“, emphasizes the leader.

With the future site, Enovis also intends to develop new business niches, particularly in the field of venous compression, which represents a potential in France estimated at 350 million euros and where the group is number 6 with only 4% market share. The sector of manufacturing orthopedic soles is also a development avenue currently under consideration.Enovis’ DNA is part of the “care continuum”, i.e. the ability to follow the patient’s orthopedic care pathway from prevention with the provision of protective devices, for example for sports, to care that covers pre-operative, surgical, post-operative and rehabilitation. Today, we are a leader in small orthopedic devices and physiotherapy equipment.

Enovis currently employs around 300 people and 30 temporary workers in Mouguerre, where it handles 5,000 to 6,000 parcels per day. The platform serves France, Spain, Italy, Benelux and the Maghreb countries. It also handles 40% of the group’s major exports, particularly to Asia-Pacific. The French subsidiary generates an annual business volume of 150 million euros. Its new site will be sized to accommodate up to 450 people, knowing that it creates an average of 15 to 20 jobs each year.

Source: www.usinenouvelle.com