Epilochias Athanasios Karvouniaris finished fifth in the Sydney Marathon Championship

Another success for the Armed Forces and EPOP Epilochia (TX) Karvouniaris Athanasios, of the 306 EBT, who participated in a marathon road race in Sydney, Australia.

As reported by kranosgr.com, according to the official results of the race, Epilochias Karvouniaris finished with an amazing time of 2:34:45, which ranks him as the first Greek and the fifth athlete in the solar category of 45-49 years among 1,200 who participated in the category. Over 20,000 runners finished the Sydney International Marathon.


Let us recall that last year on April 28, 2023, the second day of Easter, Epilochias Karvouniaris had taken part in the most popular, historic and oldest Marathon that takes place in Boston, USA, where with a time of 2:35:38, he was ranked sixth in the age category 45-49.


Source: www.zougla.gr