Erdogan: No one can build walls of discord between us

Erdoğan attended the “Mah-ı Muharrem Fast Breaking Lokması” program held at the Presidential Complex.

Speaking here, Erdoğan expressed his great pleasure in being around a table on the 10th day of the month of Muharram, also known as Ashura Day.

Thanking those at the table, Erdoğan said, “First of all, I would like to send my blessings to our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, and greetings to his household and friends, each of whom are our pole stars.”

Remembering the martyrs of Karbala with mercy on the 1385th anniversary of the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussein and his 72 companions, Erdoğan reminded that the month of Muharram is a month of mercy and abundance for Muslims.

Erdoğan stated that Muharram is also the month of great fire, pain and mourning that turns hearts into the Desert of Karbala, and noted the following:

“We still remember with sorrow the massacre that took place in Karbala on the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 AH, almost 14 centuries later. Our Prophet loved his grandsons Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein, calling them ‘my basil flowers in the world’. He could not get enough of kissing and smelling them, and almost spared them from his sight.

One day, when he was asked, “Who do you love most from the Ahlul Bayt?”, he was so fond of both of them that he said, “Hasan and Hussein.” Of course, along with Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussein, the Ahlul Bayt also have a very special place in our spiritual world. Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Love me because you love Allah, and love my Ahlul Bayt because you love me.”

Love for the Ahl al-Bayt is a commandment of our Prophet, a very precious memory from him to us. As the Turkish nation, we have been trying to properly protect this precious memory for centuries. We see love for the Ahl al-Bayt as the yeast of our eternal and everlasting brotherhood as a nation. With Allah’s permission, as long as this yeast is strong, no one can divide us, no one can separate us, no one can build walls of discord between us. But when this yeast is spoiled, weakened and dissolved, then, Allah forbid, we will also lose our quality of being a nation.

“May our unity and solidarity be permanent”

Erdoğan, who stated that he considered the unity at this table “as a sign of the love of the Ahl al-Bayt in our hearts”, expressed his happiness in breaking the Muharram fast.

Asking Allah to accept the fasts of Mah-ı Muharram, Erdoğan said, “May Allah make the world and the hereafter of the souls who share the mourning of Hazrat Hüseyin and his friends prosperous. May our unity, togetherness and brotherhood be permanent.”

Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya also attended the program.
