Erdogan’s statement on Israel’s cyber attack on Lebanon: ‘We saw how vital it was…’ – Last Minute Politics News

President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, He spoke at the ceremony held at Ataturk Airport for the commissioning of new vehicles for the Gendarmerie and Police departments.

Stating that 7204 new vehicles were allocated to the Gendarmerie and the Police, President Erdoğan said, “We are now renewing the vehicles that have completed their economic lives and are in the inventory of our General Directorate of Security and the General Command of Gendarmerie.”


Emphasizing the importance of domestic and national weapons in the defense industry, Erdoğan said, “Cyber ​​attacks against Lebanon“After the attacks, we saw how important this was. The value of our investments was understood.” he said.

Stating that 35,500 terrorist operations were carried out in 2024, Erdoğan stated that 825 terrorists were neutralized. “We are destroying terrorism at its source” he said.


Highlights from Erdoğan’s speech are as follows:

* I would like to thank each and every one of you, the Turkish police, gendarmerie and security personnel. Today, we are providing 7,204 vehicles to our gendarmerie and security organizations. 5,001 of these vehicles will be used by the police and 2,203 by our gendarmerie. These vehicles will facilitate the more effective execution of our security activities. There cannot be a place that our police and gendarmerie do not touch or patrol. What will make our law enforcement units more deterrent are technical equipment and opportunities.

* We are a country that has suffered from security-related problems in our recent history. We remember very clearly how our country was dragged into chaos in the 70s. We lost our bright children in the 90s. We also suffered serious losses economically. While equipping our country with major investments, we saw security as one of the important pillars of the Turkish Century.

* The fight against mafia and gangs was one of them. Those who threatened the peace of our citizens found our state’s security units against them. We did not leave any breathing space for terrorist organizations. In 2024, 35,500 operations were carried out against bloodthirsty murderers from the PKK to FETÖ, from the DHKP-C to ISIS. 825 terrorists were neutralized in these operations. 70 terrorist acts were prevented.


* We carry out almost all of these operations with domestic and national weapons. We saw how important this is with the cyber attacks against Lebanon. The value of our investments has been understood. We will continue our work until we reach the goal of a fully independent Türkiye in the defense industry.

* Anyone who disturbs the peace of our nation will face the steel fist of our state in its velvet glove. We do not ignore even the smallest security threat to our state. We will continue our work until we bring Turkey to the levels that are shown as an example in the world in every field. Your efforts are very important in the levels that Turkey has reached today. You entered all the caves and lairs and cleared out the terrorists.


* You put not only your eyes but also your heart on the end of the barrel. You are the true children of this nation. I want you to know that I am always proud of you. Turkey is in a region that will never be left alone. Those who want to tear our region to pieces are disturbed by us. Those who dream of a promised land are disturbed by us. Weapon lobbies, chaos lobbies, blood merchants who feed on the tears of the oppressed are disturbed by us, by Turkey, which is growing and becoming stronger.
