Ester Karuse: Estonian sport needs a wizard to open the money taps

Ester Karuse. Photo: Riigikogu

Ester Karuse: Estonian sport needs a wizard to open the money taps
Ester Karuse. Photo: Riigikogu

On October 11, either Urmas Sõrumaa, Erich Teigamägi or Kersti Kaljulaid will be elected as the new president of the Estonian Olympic Committee. All three are undoubtedly worthy candidates and have proven themselves as leaders. So, I believe that no matter who is chosen from the mentioned trio, the sports wagon will at least continue to roll with the same momentum. But will the current momentum satisfy us? Rather not – sports people are generally result-oriented maximalists and a critical mind is hardcoded into them. I think that changes are needed and I try to analyze the situation from my point of view as a member of the Riigikogu and a sports fan.

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